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[gnso-rap-dt] Update from Registration Abuse Charter Drafting Team to the GNSO Council

  • To: GNSO Council <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-rap-dt] Update from Registration Abuse Charter Drafting Team to the GNSO Council
  • From: Liz Gasster <liz.gasster@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:36:35 -0800


Today the charter drafting team on registration abuse met for the first time.  
The group plans to meet weekly but it recognized early on that it would not be 
ready to offer a proposed charter by 15 January as requested by the Council.  
The team proposes to complete its assignment no later than 12 February, in time 
for the Council to consider the proposed charter at its upcoming 19 February 

Currently the members of the drafting team are:

Olga Cavalli - NomCom

Kristina Rosette - IPC

Mike Rodenbaugh - CBUC

Greg Aaron - Registry c.

James Bladel - Registrar c.

The team urges participation from the ISPCP constituency and NCUC, as well as 
interested AC participation.

I've reprinted the relevant resolution below for your reference.

Thanks, Liz


Resolution on the GNSO Issues Report on Registration Abuse Policies


The GNSO Issues Report on Registration Abuse Policies indicated that further 
review, evaluation and study be done before a PDP is initiated,


That a drafting team be formed to create a proposed charter for a working group 
to investigate the open issues documented in the issues report on Registrations 
Abuse Policy. Specifically:

9.1 Review and Evaluate Findings

A first step would be for the GNSO Council to review and evaluate the findings, 
taking into account that this report provides an overview of registration abuse 
provisions, but does not analyse how these provisions are implemented in 
practice and whether they are deemed effective in addressing registration abuse.

9.2 Identify specific policy issues

Following the review and evaluation of the findings, the GNSO Council would 
need to determine whether there are specific policy issues regarding 
registration abuse. As part of this determination it would be helpful to define 
the specific type(s) of abuse of concern, especially distinguishing between 
registration abuse and other types of abuse if relevant.

9.3 Need for further research

As part of the previous two steps, ICANN Staff would recommend that the GNSO 
Council determines where further research may be needed - e.g. is lack of 
uniformity a substantial problem, how effective are current registration abuse 
provisions in addressing abuse in practice, is an initial review or analysis of 
the UDRP required?

The WG charter should be ready for review by the council on or before 15 
January 2009 and will be voted on at the council meeting of 29 January 2009 at 
which time the council will take the by-laws required PDP vote.

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