[gnso-rap-dt] late-breaking homework
yikes! i missed the "rewrite the malicious-use recommendation" portion of the homework until... an hour ago! so here's a draft for discussion at the meeting; Prior Language UoC recommends a formal PDP to evaluate whether a minimum baseline of registration abuse provisions should be created for all in-scope ICANN agreements, and if created, how such language would be structured to address registration abuse. The WG also recommends, while outside of our scope, that a similar process be undertaken that addresses malicious “use” of domains. Proposed/Revised UofC Recommendation The working group recommends a formal PDP to evaluate whether a minimum baseline of registration abuse provisions should be created for all in-scope ICANN agreements, and if created, how such language would be structured to address the most common registration abuses. Proposed/Revised “use” Recommendation Move this recommendation to “Malicious Use” section recommendations – and move the whole Malicious Use section to the Meta-Issues section of the report. Move use-abuses in the Malicious Use meta-issue. Proposed recommendation The working group also recommends that an investigation (perhaps with an eye to developing and promoting best practices in addition to policy) be undertaken to understand what innovations might be possible, within the ICANN context, to address criminal malicious use of domains. Solutions to include in the scope of this investigation include: · Rapid take-down · Indemnification · WHOIS availability and content · Options for registrar/registry abuse-teams, methods of contact, coordination The community may want to consider structuring this as an ongoing process that can be invoked to respond quickly to newly-emerging abuses. Attachment:
RAP - Uof C and Malicious Use rec v1.doc - - - - - - - - - phone 651-647-6109 fax 866-280-2356 web www.haven2.com handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.)