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RE: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] Final version of the letter to the GNSO Council

  • To: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Greg Aaron" <gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] Final version of the letter to the GNSO Council
  • From: "Rosaya, Lisa W." <Lisa.Rosaya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:00:44 -0500

Footnote 2 is amended as you proposed.
Best, Lisa


From: owner-gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike O'Connor
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 1:58 PM
To: Greg Aaron
Cc: 'Marika Konings'; gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] Final version of the letter to the GNSO

yep, confirmed.  the footnotes need a look too. 

i'm getting a little confused about what the final draft is.  


On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:54 PM, Greg Aaron wrote:

        Dear Marika:
        Cybersquatting Recommendation #1 still contains this material
first proposed on Sunday:
        "and 3) in addition to the foregoing notes, several members of
this drafting team have also expressed reservations about proceeding
with a PDP process that may result in changes to the UDRP at this time
because of the significant resources presently being devoted to the new
gTLD process and the significant burdens already placed on ICANN's
present compliance staff."
        As per today's call, that material was never accepted and is to
be deleted.   Mikey, please confirm.
        All best,
        From: Marika Konings [mailto:marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx] 
        Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 11:10 AM
        To: gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
        Subject: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] Final version of the letter to the
GNSO Council
        Dear All,
        Please find attached the final version of the letter to the
Council, both in redline as well as a clean version. If there are any
final edits (limited to spelling mistakes, corrections), please notify
the list by 19.00 UTC at the latest. Following that, the letter will be
submitted to the GNSO Council.
        Thank you for all your hard work,

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