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[gnso-restruc-dt] re: today's meeting (in response to SM)
- To: Gnso-restruc-dt@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [gnso-restruc-dt] re: today's meeting (in response to SM)
- From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 14:58:30 +0200
As announced at the end of the last meeting, the agenda is to continue
from where we left off in the same manner: discover what, if any,
disagreements there are on each point, but move the debate to the list.
Chuck, Margie and/or I will then do a summary of the open issues in
the next day or so as last time and try to gather the comments by the
end of the weekend.
After that I propose that we (Chuck, Margie and I) pull together a
full Question list with our impressions of where the conversation has
gotten to and armed with that, people's comments and corrections and
any responses we may have gotten to questions for the Board, we go
back through the list trying to hash out answers, which will probably
involve compromise. We may need to go through an ever decreasing list
a few times before we reach convergence.
I suggest we hold weekly meetings until we are done but that we
continue to solve as much as possible through the list and offline
On 12 May 2009, at 14:40, Metalitz, Steven wrote:
Has an agenda for today's call been circulated? Are we just going to
pick up with the list of changes where we left off last time, or
revisit issues discussed then?
Sent via blackberry mobile. Please excuse tone and typoes.
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