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RE: [gnso-review-dt] Review Reminder
- To: "'Jen Wolfe'" <jwolfe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-review-dt] Review Reminder
- From: "Ron Andruff" <ra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 17:36:55 -0400
Dear Jen and colleagues,
Unfortunately, on July 10th I will be hiking in the Rocky Mountains of
Colorado so I doubt I will have a cell signal. I'm not sure if there was a
transcript of the London meeting, but would be grateful to get one so that I
might send my comments/thoughts in advance of the call. Otherwise a list of
discussion points/action items would be helpful.
Awaiting staff advice.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Ron Andruff
dotSport LLC
<http://www.lifedotsport.com> www.lifedotsport.com
From: owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Jen Wolfe
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 13:20
To: gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Larisa B. Gurnick
Subject: [gnso-review-dt] Review Reminder
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had safe travels continuing on from London or safely home. I
know everyone is likely taking some time off this week, but this is just a
reminder, we had discussed holding our next phone meeting on Thursday, July
10 at 10 a.m. eastern time, picking up where our standing time left off.
I am dropping in a link below to the wiki where you will find all updates
regarding our work. Our goal in the 10th, is to gather feedback from all of
you to finalize the questions and we can then mirror our calendar to that of
the review process and schedule calls for the next few months as needed ( we
had discussed every other week).
I look forward to talking with you all on the 10th and wish you safe
journeys home!
If you have any problems accessing the documents, please let me know.
jennifer c. WOLFE, esq., apr, SSBB
Founder & President, wolfe domain, a digital brand strategy advisory firm
managing partner, wolfe, sadler, breen, morasch & colby, an intellectual
property law firm, named top u.s. trademark law firm by corp intl 2013
IAM 300 - TOp 300 global ip strategists 2011, 2012 & 2013
Follow Me: <http://www.linkedin.com/in/jenwolfe>
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