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[gnso-review-dt] RE: GNSO Review - Public Comment on Draft Report & Working Party Comments to Recommendations
- To: "'Charla Shambley'" <charla.shambley@xxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-review-dt] RE: GNSO Review - Public Comment on Draft Report & Working Party Comments to Recommendations
- From: "Novoa, Osvaldo" <onovoa@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 19:04:42 +0000
The ISPCP will be submitting its comments next Friday.
Best regards,
[cid:656040419@22072015-2780]Osvaldo Novoa
Subgerente General
Guatemala 1075, Nivel 22
Montevideo, 11800
Tel. +598 2928 6400
Fax. +598 2928 6401
De: owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx] En
nombre de Charla Shambley
Enviado el: Miércoles, 22 de Julio de 2015 15:06
Para: gnso-review-dt@xxxxxxxxx
Asunto: [gnso-review-dt] GNSO Review - Public Comment on Draft Report & Working
Party Comments to Recommendations
Dear GNSO Review WP,
To date, only one comment has been received via the comments
forum<http://forum.icann.org/lists/comments-gnso-review-01jun15/> on the open
of the Draft Report on the GNSO
In order to allow the community additional time to provide feedback on the
an announcement<https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-07-15-en> was
posted last week that extends the Public
period through 23:59 UTC on 24 July. I urge you to encourage your groups to
submit comments by Friday. Comments provided verbally during ICANN53 are being
catalogued and will be posted and considered as part of public comment.
I wanted to remind the Working Party that Staff has set up several wiki pages
to capture comments on the feasibility and usefulness of the 36 recommendations
proposed by Westlake in their Draft
(also see Initial Assessment of
The recommendations are organized by theme on the wiki to coincide with the
structure of the Draft Report. Each recommendation has its own page (see
Recommendation 1<https://community.icann.org/display/GR2/Recommendation+1> for
example). Please add your comments in the “Working Party” section (you must be
logged in to the wiki in order to do so) and include your name or initials to
your comments. Staff acknowledges your busy schedule and extensive
participation to date, however please note that it would be helpful to capture
your comments on the recommendations before our call scheduled on 30 July @
19:00 UTC (agenda to follow). If you would rather send an email with your
comments to me, please specify which recommendation you are commenting on and I
will post them to the wiki on your behalf. Chuck, thank you for taking the
time to provide your comments on the wiki.
[GNSO Review WP Action Items • By 24 July: Encourage groups to provide
feedback on the Public Comment. • By 29 July: Provide comments on the Initial
Assessment of
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Charla K. Shambley
Strategic Initiatives Program Manager
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094
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