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[gnso-rn-wg] GNSO Policy meetings - remote participation

  • To: gnso-rn-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-rn-wg] GNSO Policy meetings - remote participation
  • From: "GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 15:01:15 +0100

Dear Remote Participants,

Thank you for your valued participation. There were many complaints about the poor sound quality and inability to participate directly.
Every effort will be made to improve the situation today.

Here are some comments from the ICANN technical staff with regard to remote participation.
"We have been monitoring the meeting from ICANN HDQ via telephone all
afternoon and have not heard any abnormalities in the system. We have
had others listening in as well to make sure that we were not missing
any anomalies. There is nothing else to be done in regard to  the
configuration of the equipment in use at the hotel for the general PA
system and/or the phone / PA system mux. "

Suggestions from the ICANN Technical staff for remote participants:

- Remote participants should not be on speaker phones. Speaker phones
have a tendency to cut in and out depending on the amount of background
noise they are picking up

- The quality of phone instrument being used remotely and the quality
of phone services varies widely. It may be that some participants can
not get any better quality than what they are currently experiencing.

In addition, we have requested the bridge provider to boost the sound on all the lines to improve the quality.
If you have a you have an IM address (jabber or ICQ or.. please send it 
to me, and put Victoria Tricamo  <victoria.tricamo@xxxxxxxxx> on copy 
to immediately alert sound problems so that we can be more responsive, 
(if possible).
I hope that there will be an improvement today, often after the teething 
problems of day one there is an improvement.
I will resend the dial-in information in a separate e-mail.

Thank you.
Kind regards,


Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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