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RE: [gnso-sl-wg] REMINDER: Single Letter sub wg call Monday 23 April at 23:30 UTC

  • To: <gnso-sl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-sl-wg] REMINDER: Single Letter sub wg call Monday 23 April at 23:30 UTC
  • From: "Mike Rodenbaugh" <mxr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:47:35 -0700

Mark McFadden will also join the call and is a technical expert.  Some brief 
bio info at his ICANNwiki page:  

As to the questions, I do not understand 8 or 12, and 10 seems out of scope of 
this discussion.  The rest of the questions certainly should be good for a 
thorough discussion.

Mike Rodenbaugh

Sr. Legal Director

Yahoo! Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-sl-wg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-sl-wg@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf 
Of Shatan, Gregory S.
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 9:47 AM
To: gnso-sl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-sl-wg] REMINDER: Single Letter sub wg call Monday 23 April at 
23:30 UTC

We are having a call today with technical expert Steve Bellovin.  Call-in 
details are below.

Aside from the suggested questions in Marilyn's notes circulated after our 
previous subgroup call, no one has submitted further questions for our expert.  
I have pulled the questions from Marilyn's emails, revised them slightly 
(though some are still in a bit of shorthand) and put them in the attached 
document.  While we will certainly accept questions from the floor on this 
call, it would be best to circulate other proposed questions in advance of the 
call.  Please do so by replying to this email.


Gregory S. Shatan
Reed Smith LLP
599 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022
212.549.0275 (Phone)
917.816.6428 (Mobile)
212.521.5450 (Fax)

This e-mail is confidential and may well be legally privileged. If you have 
received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify us 
immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. 
Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to 
any other person. To do so could violate state and Federal privacy laws. Thank 
you for your cooperation.

-----Original Message-----
From: GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:50 PM
To: Shatan, Gregory S.; Neal Blair; Marilyn Cade; vmcevedy; Alistair DIXON; 
Mike Rodenbaugh; Nevett, Jonathon; avri doria
Cc: GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Victoria Tricamo
Subject: Single Letter sub wg call Monday 23 April at 23:30 UTC

Dear Working Group Members,

There will be a Reserved Names working sub group, Single letter names,
(sl-wg) meeting on Monday 23 April 2007 at 20:30 UTC.
(see below for other times)

See dial-in details and times below.

Thank you.
kind regards.

Monday 23 April 2007 20:30 UTC

Brussels 22:30 _CEST_
London 21:30 _GMT_
Los Angeles 13:30
New York 16:30
Seoul 05:30 next day
Hong Kong 04:30 next day
Wellington Tues 08:30 next day

Dial-in information:
Leaders name: Glen de Saint Géry
Pass code: SL1
Toll numbers               Toll free numbers
AUSTRALIA 61-2-8211-1386               1-800-880-485
AUSTRIA 43-1-92-89-654                 0800-999-636
BELGIUM 32-2-402-2432                  0800-4-8360
BRAZIL                                 0800-8912038
CHINA*                                 10800-712-1193
COLOMBIA                               01800-9-156463
CZECH REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-15
DENMARK 45-7014-0238                   8088-6075
FINLAND 358-106-33-164                 0-800-1-12056
LYON: 33-4-26-69-12-75                 080-511-1431
MARSEILLE: 33-4-86-06-00-75            080-511-1431
PARIS: 33-1-70-75-00-04                080-511-1431
GERMANY 49-69-2222-52104               0800-216-1601
GREECE 30-80-1-100-0639                00800-12-5999
HONG KONG 852-2286-5632                800-964-136
HUNGARY                                06-800-15227
INDIA                                  000-800-852-1216
INDONESIA                              001-803-011-3500
IRELAND 353-1-246-0036                 1800-931-782
ISRAEL                                 1-80-9303048
ITALY 39-02-3600-0326                  800-906-585
JAPAN 81-3-5539-5154                   00531-12-1149
LUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1314
MALAYSIA                               1-800-80-8121
MEXICO                                 001-866-627-0541
NETHERLANDS 31-20-710-9321             0800-023-4655
NEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4641              0800-443-793
NORWAY 47-21-59-00-14                  800-11982
POLAND                                 00-800-1210067
PORTUGAL                               8008-12179
RUSSIA                                 8-10-8002-9613011
SINGAPORE 65-6883-9197                 800-120-4057
SOUTH AFRICA                           080-09-93390
SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1052             00798-14800-6323
SPAIN 34-91-414-15-44                  800-099-279
SWEDEN 46-8-566-10-782                 0200-887-612
SWITZERLAND 41-44-580-7718             0800-000-038
TAIWAN 886-2-2795-7346                 00801-137-565
THAILAND                               001-800-1206-65091
BIRMINGHAM: 44-121-210-9015            0800-018-0795
GLASGOW: 44-141-202-3215               0800-018-0795
LEEDS: 44-113-301-2115                 0800-018-0795
LONDON: 44-20-7019-0812                0800-018-0795
MANCHESTER: 44-161-601-1415            0800-018-0795
URUGUAY                                000-413-598-3439
USA 1-210-795-0472                     877-818-6787

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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