[gnso-thickwhoispdp-wg] 1st-try at a discussion summary
hi all, as you may recall, i asked Marika to have a go at developing summaries of the various issues -- inspired by the short summaries that some of the sub-team leaders sent to the list. here's the first try. i've got finger prints all over this document, so anything that you don't like is probably my fault. please direct your ire at me and your complements to Marika. :-) if you're a sub-group leader and you find this helpful, that's great. but we don't intend to preempt you with this framework. if you've got something else under way, by all means carry on. in the meantime, we'll take input on this and use the result to start capturing conversation about the issues that don't have active sub-teams going. thanks Marika! mikey Attachment:
Thick Whois - Table Comparison - 28 February 2013v2.xlsx PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE: OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) Attachment:
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