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Registrar Constituency Position re Proposed GNSO Top Level Implementation Plan

  • To: "gnso-tlp@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-tlp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Registrar Constituency Position re Proposed GNSO Top Level Implementation Plan
  • From: "Clarke D. Walton" <clarke.walton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 18:12:41 -0400

Registrar Constituency Position re Proposed GNSO Top Level Implementation Plan

July 11, 2008


In June 2008, the Registrar Constituency ("RC") was asked to provide feedback 
regarding the proposed GNSO top level implementation plan ("GNSO Implementation 
Plan").  This Position Paper captures the overall sentiment expressed by the RC 
members who provided feedback about this matter and seems to reflect the 
general sense of the RC.  However, due to time constraints, no formal vote 
regarding this Position Paper was taken.


The RC believes the GNSO Implementation Plan is procedurally premature in light 
of the fact that the GNSO Council structure has not been decided.  Because the 
RC does not know how the GNSO Council will be structured, the RC believes it is 
too early to comment on implementing GNSO improvements.

Furthermore, the RC had no representation on the GNSO Improvements Planning 
Team ("Planning Team").  The RC's lack of representation on this important 
Planning Team is not consistent with the best interests or spirit of the ICANN 

The RC strongly recommends that the Planning Team wait until after the GNSO 
Council structure has been decided before further developing its GNSO 
Implementation Plan.  This would give the RC an opportunity to participate in 
the Planning Team through an appointed representative which would therefore 
help the Planning Team draft a GNSO Implementation Plan that embodies the 
opinions of all stakeholders.


The RC strongly recommends that the Planning Team wait until after the GNSO 
Council structure has been decided before further developing its GNSO 
Implementation Plan so that an RC representative may participate in drafting 
the Plan.  The opinions expressed by the RC in this Position Paper are the 
opinions of the RC as a whole, and should not be interpreted to reflect the 
individual opinion of any particular RC member.

Attachment: RC Position re GNSO Implementation v1-2.pdf
Description: RC Position re GNSO Implementation v1-2.pdf

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