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[gnso-trans-pdp] Drafting group - PDP on transfer denial reasons

  • To: "gnso-trans-pdp@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-trans-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-trans-pdp] Drafting group - PDP on transfer denial reasons
  • From: Olof Nordling <olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:44:50 -0700

Dear all,
Thanks for joining this group! Others may still join, so let's have a "soft 
launch" by noting that there is useful background reading in the Final Report, 
posted at:
In particular, if you want a quick intro, chapter 7 "Conclusions" gives an 
overview and chapter 5 "Constituency views per issue" provides more details.

Also, I've compiled a table, attached, with the current texts of the 
provisions, the "Points of Clarification document" (annexed to the Final 
Report) suggestions and also proposed new texts, as supplied by two 
constituencies. Please check it out and we can have an email dialogue on this 
list as to whether that's useful as a starting point.

Very best regards


Olof Nordling
Manager, Policy Development Coordination

Attachment: TransPDPtexttable.doc
Description: TransPDPtexttable.doc

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