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[gnso-travel-dt] Meeting in Cairo

  • To: denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx, "Denise Michel" <michel@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] Meeting in Cairo
  • From: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 07:16:06 -0300

Dear Denise,

A drafting team formed by some GNSO Council Members is in the process of
elaborating a Travel Support Policy document for the administration of
Travel Funds for GNSO.

In this process and after two conference calls and some exchange of ideas,
we have realized that we need clarification of certain definitions and
concepts related with the future structure of the GNSO.

This clarification and related definitions will allow us to continue
drafting the Travel Support Policy Document.

As we understand, in the future structure of the GNSO, the Council will be
mainly divided into four stakeholder groups and constituencies will report
to each stakeholder group.

Taking this in consideration we would like to know, if the constituencies
will be the representatives in the GNSO or this role will be handled by each
stakeholder group.

This definition is relevant in relation with the travel funds, as they may
be recieved by constituencies or by the stakeholder groups.
It will very helpful to recieve your comments on this regard as soon as
possible, and also if you could meet with our drafting team during our next
face to face meeting in Cairo.

We will appreciate your comments on this regard.

Best regards.

Olga Cavalli

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