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[gnso-vi-feb10] Fwd: VIWG SOI

  • To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] Fwd: VIWG SOI
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 09:59:47 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
> Date: 16 March 2010 09:36:29 EDT
> To: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: VIWG SOI
> Hi,
> I want to reconfirm my interest in participating in the VI WG.  My SOI is 
> below.
> Thanks
> a.
> 1. Current vocation, employer and position
> a. Currently I have a part time position as Adjunct Professor at Luleå 
> University of Technology.  I am a research professor working on Delay 
> Toelerant Networking Technology under a European Commission research grant.
> b. I work under a recurring part time contract for the IGF Secretariat
> c. I am an affiliate of Interisle, but have no current contracts with them.
> I have no employment directly related to the DNS system or any topic under 
> ICANN's purview.
> 2. Type of Work
> a. Supervise the research of several students. Do a research of my own on 
> routing in a DTN and on methods of network management in a DTN.
> b. Assist in preparing papers of various sorts, provide technical 
> consultation on issues in Internet governance.
> c. no contracts at the moment. 
> 3.  Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest 
> in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested parties in ICANN 
> policy or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or other 
> arrangement.
> none
> 4.    Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in ICANN 
> GNSO policy development processes and outcomes. Are you representing other
> parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other 
> group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a 
> work team member.
> While I will not represent the NCSG in this WG, I am a member and currently 
> serve as the Chair of the NCSG Executive Committee and do represent them in 
> other groups such as the OSC.  In this role, while I do need to explain my 
> reasoning to the NCSG membership I am not bound in the positions I take.  Of 
> course if my positions were to start to run counter to the interests of the 
> NCSG as perceived by its membership, they may remove me from my seat on the 
> Executive Committee.  I would probably remove myself before that happened.
> 5. Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from 
> participation in such processes. For example, if you are an academic or NGO 
> and use your position to advance your ability to participate, this should be 
> a part of the statement of interest, just as should employment by a
> contracted party, or a business relationship with a non- contracted party who 
> has an interest in policy outcomes.
> As far as my university position goes, they could not care less about ICANN 
> and generally consider it an interference in my work.  In terms of my work in 
> the IGF, I am sure the knowledge I have about how things work in ICANN and 
> what goes on is an advantage.  Other than that, I think I am an 'ICANN 
> Addict', someone who cares about the organization in many respects and wants 
> to participate to make sure it comes out right.  As far as VI is concerned, 
> it is critical the GNSO come up with a policy rather quickly and come up with 
> a good policy  that has consensus.  This will be both interesting and 
> challenging.  I enjoy participating in things that are interesting and 
> challenging and I suppose that is also something I will get out of this 
> process.
> a.

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