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[gnso-vi-feb10] Michael Palage Statement of Interest

  • To: <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] Michael Palage Statement of Interest
  • From: "Michael D. Palage" <michael@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 22:44:14 -0400

1.           Current vocation, employer and position


President/CEO of Pharos Global


2.           Type of work performed in 1 above. 


Management consultant to domain name registration authorities
(registrars/registries) in connection with both policy and operational
matters. I have worked extensively with operational gTLD registries;
operational ccTLD registries; and prospective gTLD applicants that are
considering participating in ICANN?s new gTLD process. 


(Type of Work Specifically Related to this Subject Matter)


Over the last four years I have advocated in various ICANN public forums the
need to relax the existing registrar/registry distribution model. First in
connection with the .MUSEUM gTLD renewal contract in permitting the registry
to go direct in limited circumstanced.  Second as a paid consultant to the
Universal Postal Union in connection with the .POST gTLD registry agreement.
While registrars have served an important role in fostering competition and
innovation, particularly in connection with the legacy gTLDs, if ICANN is to
truly realized increased innovation and competition in the marketplace, a
relaxation of this distribution model must be recognized. I have given
numerous presentations indentifying this problem and have proposed potential
alternative models, see ICANN?s webinar on Vertical Integration
) and the World Intellectual Property Organization?s conference on 10 Years
of the UDRP (http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/docs/palage23.pdf) 


I believe a relation of these rules are critically important in connection
with potential public sector applicants as well as potential gTLD applicants
from developing regions of the world. 



3.           Identify any financial ownership or senior
management/leadership  interest in registries, registrars or other firms
that are interested parties in ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN
has a transaction, contract, or other  arrangement


I have no ownership interest in any registry or registrar. I am a principle
in Pharos Global, Inc. which has consulting relationships with registration
authorities, some of which do have a contractual relationship with ICANN.
However, none of these entities have retained my services to participate in
this working group. 


4.           Identify any type of commercial interest in ICANN policy
development outcomes.  Are you representing other parties?


I have no direct commercial interest in the outcome of this initiative.
However, I do have an indirect interest in ICANN getting this process
?right.? Over the past four years I have publicly advocated in various ICANN
forums regarding the need for flexibility in the existing domain name
distribution marketplace (see above).



5.           Describe any arrangements or agreements between you and any
other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination or
selection as a work team member.


None, I just volunteered.


6.           Geographic Region associated with the nationality of
Participant (North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific, Africa, and South America)


North America (US National)


7.           Stakeholder Group(s) in which Member currently participates
within the ICANN organization


Business Constituency, Registry Constituency and Intellectual Property



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