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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] New proposal variant

  • To: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] New proposal variant
  • From: Baudouin SCHOMBE <b.schombe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 13:57:40 +0100


I still have on my thirst. What explains this variante or how to put this
option on the legal aspect?


Téléphone mobile: +243998983491/+243999334571
email:                   b.schombe@xxxxxxxxx
blog:                     http://akimambo.unblog.fr
siège temporaire : Boulevard du 30 juin Immeuble   Royal, Entrée A,7e

2010/6/23 Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>

>  I would like to propose a variant. It could be applied to a proposal that
> allows registry/registrar integration for marketing TLDs other than those
> offered by the registry (such as JN2) or perhaps to allow the "Afilias et
> al" proposal to allow such relationships. The proposal provides more
> specificity to my previous statements that VI rules could be relaxed if the
> registrars involved in the VI relationship were bound by explicit
> contractual conditions.
> In essence, it puts disclosure and reporting requirements on the registrar
> and its partners (partners being loosely defined) and explicitly commits
> them to not deal, directly or indirectly, in their registry's own TLDs.
> *Any registrar involved (with >15% ownership or control) must disclose the
> details of:
> - Their family of registrars - owned or controlled (same definition) by
> them, or co-owned/controlled.
> - All owned/controlled resellers that they deal with, directly or
> indirectly.
> All of these entities will be bound by direct contract with ICANN to abide
> by a set of rules (which among others proscribe dealing with the domain(s)
> offered by the registry arm). The ownership/control relationships will be
> made public. There would be a requirement for ongoing reports certifying
> compliance and strict, severe penalties for non-compliance.
> *Among other things, this would contractually restrict two cases which
> previous proposals have not addressed.
> a) Consider the scenario where J owns registry X and registrar Y. X and Y
> are both owned by J but are not otherwise related. As such, the registry
> agreement signed by X can in no way bind Y. This variant now binds Y to
> specific disclosure and reporting terms associated with VI.
> b) Registry X and registrar Y have some sort of >15$ ownership or control.
> Y has a controlled reseller R. R also resells for a completely unrelated
> registry P. Under prior rules, R could market the X TLDs (routing
> registrations through P). This variant precludes such marketing
> arrangements.
> In summary this proposal variant puts new contractual marketing
> restrictions, disclosure and reporting terms on those registrars who want to
> play in the VI sandbox. It also requires contracts with controlled
> resellers. These are just agreement to restrict marketing, disclosure and
> reporting requirements, and not monetary, so they do not form a new class of
> "contracted party". One could think of this as a form of certification of
> such resellers.
> The overall intent is not to eliminate any potential gaming - nothing can
> do that. But it does give ICANN compliance a basis to recognize potential
> infractions and, if found, it gives them tools to achieve compliance.
> This proposal variant is being suggested without being fully fleshed out,
> but given the timing, I thought it should go out earlier rather than later.
> Alan

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