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[gnso-vi-feb10] chat transcript from today's call
- To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] chat transcript from today's call
- From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:25:40 -0500
hi all,
here's the chat transcript from today's call.
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Ron A:Is there a problem with the chat? I don't see any posts?
Kathy Kleiman:A quiet day!
Roberto:@Ron: you are the first!
Ron A:Indeed, a quiet day...;o)
neuman:so none of these exceptions are for a registrar that just wants to be a
registry. If these were the exceptions to RACK, the first issue is not solved.
If this an exception to JN2, then others may find this acceptable.
Tim Ruiz:@Jeff N., personally, I see it as an exception to RACK. So, no it
does not solve that issue and was not my intention when I suggested this.
Gisella Gruber-White:Ken Stubbs, Scott Austin, Richard Tindal, Milton Mueller
and Jothan Frakes have joined the call
Kathy Kleiman:@Jeff N. Can't we look at this issue as an exception in and of
itself: to both models?
CLO:@Kathy I'm happy to try that
Jeffrey Eckhaus:But we do not know what the Board will choose as a decision.
By putting in exceptions we are assuming the Board will decide towards a more
restrictive policy
Jothan Frakes:I like Avri's exception document
Jothan Frakes:I think that it should capture as an example, a TLD that has
technical innovation (ie .TEL)
Milton:Is the baseline DAGv4?
Milton:In other words, make the baseline something no one likes, so that
exceptions are fairly considered
Gisella Gruber-White:Jean Christophe Vignes has joined the call
richard Tindal:i think the baseline is Nairobi
neuman:I guess that you would then have to have an exception for registrars
that want to enter the registry business (and vice versa) if they agree to a
higher level of compliance, audits, etc.
Jothan Frakes:because TLDs that capture data points that are non-status quo,
in the face of a thundering herd of TLDs, registrars might go for those with
the simplset integration, and those that have additional datapoints or
mandatory fields might not be as attractive to the registrar channel
Tim Ruiz:Right, more or less.
avri:i think on baseline as either niarobi or dagv4
Jothan Frakes:+1 richard, maybe with the board friendly amendment to 2%
Milton:OK, Nairobi is good for me
Jothan Frakes:and hopefully higher
Milton:equally distasteful to everyone!!
Jeffrey Eckhaus:I believe excpetions unfairly influence the Boards discussion
into a more restrictive resolution
Jothan Frakes:equity to dissatisfaction = victory most likely
Phil Buckingham:Jeff +1 Also agree with Jeff E and Stratton. Have to have a
base line BEFORE any exceptions. SRSU model could be worked out with out a
base though IMO
Jothan Frakes:amadieu needs to mute
Jon Nevett:So these are exceptions we can agree on regardless of the
underlying rule? Depending on the rule, there might be a need for more
exceptions. Is this correct?
Tim Ruiz:@Jon, yes. That is pretty much the point.
Roberto:@Jon: why don't we make it simple, we say baseline is no VI, exception
list is all the cases in which VI is allowed?
Jothan Frakes:agree Jon
neuman:I am fine with an exceptions document in general, but if all we do is
supply a list of exceptions, we have not even made a dent in our work
Tim Ruiz:@Roberto, that puts us back in the same boat we're in now.
Jothan Frakes:well, this group is essentially reccomending exceptions to board
resolution wrt VI, that's at least clear
neuman:@Roberto, I am fine with starting with the Nairobi resolution and then
create exceptions.
Milton:richard T: need to lower your hand?
neuman:Then we would need the de minimus exemption for public companies
Tim Ruiz:BTW, my hand is a new hand.
neuman:Perhaps a grandfathering exception for existing registries that are
above the threshhold
Berry Cobb:I feel like i am in high school sitting in the car parking lot
spinning my tires in oil that generate nothing but a lot of smoke and a foul
odor. Lets get to the root cause!!!! Exceptions that we talk about here today
are only symptoms and not what causes the problem we face now. The root cause
her is that any model other than Free Trade creates a lot of exceptions and
rules that are difficult to please everyone. Why is everyone so scare of Free
Trade? Its because of the potential gaming and harms of sharing data
regardless of % ownership. Lets fix those, then all of this smoke disappears.
richard Tindal:i had a cramp
Volker Greimann:Sorry I am late
avri:i think even free trade would have exemption in the other direction.
J.C. Vignes:Sorry too, good to be back, all!
Jeffrey Eckhaus:Berry - good point. why not free trade with limits? reverse it
Keith Drazek:if we can't all agree on the exceptions, perhaps we need to
recommend a structure to deal with exceptions, without explicitly defining the
Ron A:@ JC: Welcome back!
avri:so it really is a somewhat logical oppostion: start out at 0 and except
in the permissive directions or start out with 100% and have exemptions in the
prohibitive direction
Roberto:@Avri: my appreciation of thew current baseline is that we are more on
the 0%
richard Tindal:Keith - it would have to be a process without many recommended
standards from us - as we cant agree on those
Volker Greimann:Berry, I completely agree. We originally proposed the Open
Registrar Proposal with this in mind, and I still stand by that general
Volker Greimann:everything else is just compromise
Roberto:In simple words, the baseline should be the situation if this WG
vanishes without any result. What we have is Nairobi and/or DAG4, not at all
avri:roberto: i think that may be true and that why we started with baseline
and then permission as opposed to everything permited except for some
Keith Drazek:@richard yep, it woiuld effectively be a punting of the details,
but a recommendation for a process to handle exceptions TBD
Tim Ruiz:@Roberto, probably right, or whatever the Board might surprise us
with ;-)
ken stubbs 2:we need to stay on a disciplined agenda timeline Mikey
richard Tindal:Ken +1
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:I would support only two options: either 0% or 100%.
let's define a process that works from either direction
Tim Ruiz:Key +1
Jothan Frakes:Mikey, ownership and control is an important item, which I want
us to have time for
Milton:turn off your lawn mower, Amadeu
Volker Greimann:who let one rip
Michael Palage:Hey Tim do you not love the following obligation that the ICANN
must follow per the AoC -"fact-based policy development" ... "ICANN commits to
provide a thorough and reasoned explanation of decisions taken, the rationale
thereof and the sources of data and information on which ICANN relied. "
Michael Palage:I am still looking for this in connection with the Nairobi?
Michael Palage:resolution
Brian Cute:My apologies Amadeu. The compliment was offered as a fan of FCB.
Volker Greimann:Amadeu, i really appreciate your comment and reality check.
especially considering CORE's previous position
Tim Ruiz:@Michael, I love it, but don't always see it, or at least understand
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:ICANN could form a standing committee, similar to SSAC,
that would provide a rapid review of all exception requests.
richard Tindal:Michael - if only all GAC members used same approach with their
Milton:Is baseline "status quo" or Board resolutions? interesting question.
one problem is that the status quo is inconsistent
ken stubbs 2:big difference between secsac & the committee tom is proposing
Jothan Frakes:+1 Tom Barrett
Jothan Frakes:call it the X-act
Jothan Frakes:;)
neuman:I disagree!
Michael Palage:@ Mikey great ambiguity squared - UGH
Jothan Frakes:please repeat
Jothan Frakes:ok thank you
ken stubbs 2:could easily turn into a committee "beauty contest"
Keith Drazek:that would require the exceptions to be very explicit in our
CLO:Does need More work on it and I note the ability to do so IN the PC
period of the Initial Report but to placehold exceptions YES
Jothan Frakes:oooh, good point ken
Tim Ruiz:I don't understand what difference that makes?
Jothan Frakes:I change my vote
Kathy Kleiman:I like Mikey's paraphrase: my wording was: any
Registry/Registrar separation too strict to otherwise allow these narrow
Michael Palage:Hey Tom - read the CAM proposal - we have such a standing
Jothan Frakes:I liked that part of CAM, Mike
Keith Drazek:is someone on a submarine? ping once for yes, ping twice for no
instead of check marks?
Tim Ruiz:How would it work from 100%? An applicant isn't likely to ask for an
exception in that case.
Kathy Kleiman:I think it is important because we can include these exceptions
without assuming our baseline (since there is no consensus). This works with
DAG4, Nairobi, 15%, etc.
Kathy Kleiman:But we don't have an agreement on the baseline.
Michael Palage:@Jeff N - you will note CAM starts at ZERO
Kathy Kleiman:If you like these exceptions for Nairobi, why wouldn't you want
them for DAG4?
CLO:I'm saying that we NEED exceptions and that this list is a way of
starting that set...
richard Tindal:I view DAG4 as the detailed description of Nairobi I believe
the Board endorsed DAG4
neuman:DAG 4 introduces a concept of beneficial ownership which is a loophole
around a number rules. It was introduced by the staff, but only partly
Kathy Kleiman:@CLO Agreed!
richard Tindal:I dont see DAG 4 beneficial ownership as loophole
richard Tindal:i see it as consciously allowing ownership without policy
neuman:@Richard - YOf course you like DAG 4. While you think it was
intention, i view it as sloppy drafting and until ICANN answers the question
(which they wont), we cannot assume it was intentional
avri:Kathy: becaue some peopel who need them at 0% might not need them at 2%
and that make the pain unequal.
Jeffrey Eckhaus:The definition in DAGv4 of Beneficial Ownership may be
Jeffrey Eckhaus:we need Staff to confirm
richard Tindal:I'm OK with Nairobi too I'm just saying that DAG 4 language
was carefully considered by staff and board - not sloppy drafting
neuman:And Richrd - you can always sk for "beneficial ownership" to be an
Volker Greimann:very correct.
Kathy Kleiman:@Avri, aren't these exceptions from any restriction of ownershp
- to allow the orphan TLDs, etc., to have 100% cross-ownership? Wouldn't that
be an exception they might need for 0%, 2%, 5% and 15% cross-ownership
Ron A:@ Ken: Well said!
Volker Greimann:an applicant needs to know the approximate chances before
laying down close to 200k
Milton:Yes, but if an exception is explicitly noted in the rules they can
apply for it
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:@Kathy: there are also exceptions from equal-access of
Milton:Ken S. is pretending that an exceptions process is a coin flip or
beauty contest. it isn't
Tim Ruiz:@Volker, that's why the exceptions should be only for narrow and well
defined situations. It *could* be done, but realize that overall we will likely
choose not to do it.
Milton:Exactly, Tim
ken stubbs 2:you must be privy to some insight that ken doen's have here
Milton:KEn: sorry for the word "pretending" chosen in haste, what I meant was
that you are framing or presenting exceptions as if it was some arbitrary
process without any criteria or guidelines
Volker Greimann:many different mechanisms must come together. in my post i
compared it to a puzzle, where no piece yields the entire picture, but many
pieces will enable you to see the picture (or abuse)
ken stubbs 2:if we have clear criteria or guidelines then is there a need for
a committee here ?
Milton:we define the guidelines, and agree on the,
Keith Drazek:icann should fund independent third-party audits of cross-owned
entities beyond de minimus percentages
Keith Drazek:if alloweed under the exceptions process
Roberto:@Ken, @Milton: my understanding is that we define precise criteria,
but you still need to have a body to decide whehter these criteria are met or
not, the Board cannot be expected to do the calls one by one
Volker Greimann:one compliance suggestion I really liked were random
compliance checks/audits
Jeffrey Eckhaus:I proposed that the groups asking for cross-ownership fund the
Jeffrey Eckhaus:and those audits could be random
Keith Drazek:@jeffe, some have said that could be an undue barrier/expense to
a small, startup entity....so perhaps icann funds the first audit and the
entity covers the cost of future audits if the first uncovered issues?
Jeffrey Eckhaus:have the fees paid on a sliding scale. larger number of
domains under management, higher fees
Keith Drazek: i guess that assumes the cost of an audit would also be a
sliding scale?
Ron A:@ Vloker: +1
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:@Milton: Compliance also needs to do with equal-access
of registrars
Keith Drazek:compliance/enforcement/audidts, etc. would kick in at whatever
the max cross-ownership threshold is...but that's still the question. is it de
minimus, is it 15%, or something else?
Keith Drazek:and tom is correct that it also applies to equal access
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:Compliance is not just about ownership
richard Tindal:Keith - yes, that is primary question
Milton:Agree with Mikey:
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:@Keith: I think it starts at 0%. Let's not bake in any
Berry Cobb:The rule should be written for multiple models. (0%, 15%, 50%,
100%....VI Yes VI / No) etc.....)
Berry Cobb:rules
avri:Tom: agree 100%
Berry Cobb:2 exist today (0%, no VI & 15%, no VI) what ever models come from
VIWG or Board...will produce another model
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:The problem with 15% is that it bakes in
exceptions....as does de-minimus. it has to be 0%. fyi. I could also support
ken stubbs 2:sounds like mikey wants a preamble..
Mike O'Connor:<grin> yep
Brian Cute:agree equal access would be an area to develop
ken stubbs 2:distracted by Futbol ?
Milton:@Berry Cobb: agree, multiple models, but an exceptions process allows
Milton:have to leave the call now. ciao
Milton:p.s., in compliance discussions don't talk about "Chinese walls"
Tim Ruiz:What are we doing? Seems like no matter what we discuss we keep
coming back to the same arguments. Are we really spending our time wisely here?
Volker Greimann:i did not like the term, but wasn't sure if it was a common
term in English. Anyway, the Chinese Wall was not very effective as the Mongols
conquered China multiple times after it was built
Volker Greimann:realistically: the chances of breaking the system in its
entirety is pretty slim, especially if encumbent TLDs of relevant size continue
under the current policies
Volker Greimann:i.e. chinese wall: something that looks good, but does
nothing, i.e. percentages of ownership
avri:and the stuff was dropped on the mailing list
neuman:@Avri - I understand there may have been phone calls of the members of
the subteams...is that the case?
Volker Greimann:@Tim: as long as there is no progress, we need to find ways to
bring us forward. sometimes hearing the arguments again in different form
allows new ideas to sprout
Tim Ruiz:Consensus or not, I think you still need to do a report.
Berry Cobb:This late in the game, there is no consensus on anything.
avri:not on the exceptions list as far as i know. and did te drop over the
weekend on Saturday. though it may have gone unread as off topic.
Berry Cobb:The report should contain the proposals we've defined and show the
polling around them and then state the VIWG could not come to consenses.
Tim Ruiz:@Berry, correct.
Jeffrey Eckhaus:@Berry +1
Berry Cobb:btw, a Free Trade proposal to Mikey's template is being constructed
for inclusion alongside the other proposals.
Kathy Kleiman:Friday deadline for publication?
Tim Ruiz:@Volker, I don't agree. You simply will not always be able to find
consensus. At the least, sometimes you need to retreat to your corners to rest,
regroup, etc.
Kathy Kleiman:We need time to review... +1 Ron
Keith Drazek:if we're going to continue fine-tuning during the public comment
period, should we focus on defining the high-level, conceptual areas of
agreement (i.e. the need for exceptions, compliance, etc.) and not get hung up
on the specific definitions or lists?
Volker Greimann:@Tim Do we have the luxury of that time?
CLO:and PC's tend to have cooments all come in at the VERY END time wise
CLO:cooments = comments
Tim Ruiz:@Volker, it's the reality of the situation. I don't see anything
changing in the near term. Let's accept where we are and give Council the
option of regrouping given that this one isn't getting there.
Tim Ruiz:We may miss the first round, but a new group or reconstituted group,
may do better.
Volker Greimann:@Tim, that means either giving up or accepting Nairobi as the
status quo. I am not willing to do that at this point
Ron A:Don't agree that we should be putting out the Chinese menu of our work!
That would produce a horrific result... without the benefit of all our
dialogue, we would be creating a space for chaos within the board
Jothan Frakes:@ron, and leave people hungry an hour later
Volker Greimann:Missing the first round will most definitely mean missing the
entire process
Jeffrey Eckhaus:@Roberto +1
Volker Greimann:everything that is remotely interesting will be delegated
after round 1
Tim Ruiz:@Roberto, you can't effectively shut out one group of participants,
and then present that work as some sort of consensus or work of the WG. It
clearly isn't. Especially when those who could not participate were unable
because of voluteering for other work, Council, ATRT, etc.
avri:Ron: there s a difference between putting out a menu, versus showing in
part (a): what little we have rough consensus on and (b:) the ingredients that
went into (a). BTW it is an absolute requirements that minority points of view
be included in any report. the easiest way to do this is to include at least
the summary and pointer to full text of every proposal.
Volker Greimann:Tim, I agree to that sentiment
Ron A:@ Avri: as long as that does not open the door for the Council or
Tim Ruiz:@avri, I submit that at the very least RACK itself is a Molecule on
par with any others.
Ron A:@ Avri: Board to start to constitute their own idea of what we have
worked on.
avri:i don't see it as a mlecule, i see it as one of the also rans like the
rest of us.
Volker Greimann:but does not RACK effectively do just that by excluding
registrars from offering RSP services or investing substantially in a registrar
Tim Ruiz:@avri, it has as many supporters as any of the Molecules.
avri:also ran == ingredients
Roberto:@tim: it is not my intention to shut up participants that were not in
Brussels, but I also believe that the molecules from Bru. have to be mentioned
in the report. Not as consensus, but as proposals.
Volker Greimann:miserable? the week is great.
ken stubbs 2:not quite here avri.. rack is and always has been a serious
avri:thee is no consensus on it. in fact i do not think thee is consensus on
the molecures. i think only the 3 statements being worked on have a chance of
being rough consensus statement with all else endnotes.
Berry Cobb:all proposals are serious proposals.
ken stubbs 2:you can try to minimize it if you want but that is not the case
avri:Ken: all of the proposals were serious. are you intimating that they
ken stubbs 2:no .. you were
Tim Ruiz:@Roberto, they cannot be presented as something *above* or more on
par than the proposals. That's what it sounded like you were proposing.
avri:on the other hand, i am sawing all proposals are ingredients to the 3
rough consensus statements.
Volker Greimann:I agree with tim: The molecules need to be presented on equal
footing with JN2, Free Trade, Open Registrars or even Rack
avri:and ken, while it is ok to ask me if i am saying X, but please do not
tell me i am saying X.
Tim Ruiz:@avri, I am talking about the molecules that were drafted in
Brussels. The RACK, JN^2, etc. should be considered on par with those.
Roberto:@Tim: not my intention. it is further development of work, or an
attempt to come to progress, but since we did not have consensus, it is
proposals for discussion
richard Tindal:volker - whats the difference betwwen FRee Trade and Open
avri:Tm, I agree. including CAM.
Roberto:I think that when we go to public comments we present all proposals,
and let the public comments express some views
avri:and i am fine calling CAM minority, just don't call it not serious
Volker Greimann:Same basic philosophy, different viewpoints. In fact, I
believe ORP is more restrictive by proposing a stronger regime of controls and
CLO:All the proposals INCLUDING the molecule work from Brussels
Ron A:@ Roberto: I disagree. These proposals devoid of background would draw
useless information for us to work with
avri:CLO, yes and all as ingredients in the final statements we have been
taling about today.
ken stubbs 2:never said we shouldnt do a report but the first public draft is
not necessarily the final public report
CLO:@Avri yes and to @Ron A why would/should they be presented in the
interim report withour background :?
Volker Greimann:i disagree with the speaker: the first round may not be the
only one, but it is the defining round. Rounds after the first will be only
shadows of the first, in size and in importance and relevance of the launched
Phil Buckingham:Tim +1 - surely we have to tell the Board what we have doing
the past three months and especially why we cant reach consensus
Roberto:@Ron: not sure I understand
Volker Greimann:TLDs launched in Round 2 will never get the same coverage as
those launched in round 1
avri:Ron: I strongly disagree. All of the proposals need to re referenced in
the rport in at least the apendices. that is what it means to do a ful report.
Berry Cobb:that not true Ron. The break out sessions were about the ATOMS.
Volker Greimann:RSP providers excluded in round 1 will not be able to
effectively compete in subsequent rounds
Roberto:@Ron: thx, I understand now
Michael Palage:@Ron -1
Kathy Kleiman:+1 Ron
ken stubbs 2:+2
Brian Cute:+1 Ron
richard Tindal:+2 Ron
Jeffrey Eckhaus:So all the RACK group supports Ron and the limiting of
avri:I think the rough consensus part is very short - the 3-4 statements we
have been working on. the addenda with the proposals is longer - though i
think it is fie for each proposal to get a one page sumary with a pointer to
the full proposal.
Michael Palage:So Brian as Chair of the Transparency Team, how can the ICANN
Board make a factual determination when all data points are not included for
public comment ?
Keith Drazek:We unfortunately don't know the current levels of support for ANY
of the proposals or molecules. IIRC, the last poll was over a month ago, prior
to Brussels. One challenge is we don't know what proposals have "strong
support" even without consensus, so we don't know how to characterize the
various proposals in the Initial Report.
Ron A:An initial report that says here are all the things that were proposed
and we weren't able to come to any consensus sounds like a punt to me.
Michael Palage:+1 Keith
avri:Ron: that is not what is being suggested.
CLO:I want to make sure that the molecules and Atoms work from Brussels goes
into the Interim report I see losts of traffic about "all the other" original
proposals to get a place as well and as long as there is context to that I'm
supportive of this approach becasue of the complaints of those who were not (or
felt not) included in the Brussels work
Volker Greimann:Point in case: If the report comes out only featuring JN2 and
the RACK, I will definitely not feel represented in any way by it
Kathy Kleiman:I think we really converged around two proposals -- RACK+ and JN2
Jothan Frakes:right Kathy
Keith Drazek:similar but not identical
Volker Greimann:not really. 100% has strong following
Jothan Frakes:And then we talked around the atoms
Kathy Kleiman:They became the basis of the molecules we were discussing in
Brussels, but that discussion in Brussel seems to have generated some
discomfort among those who could not participate
Ron A:Why were they not discussed in Brussels? What was the reason? I
understood that it all boiled down to those variations.
avri:you may have, but those of us in the moniroty do not gethe monrotiy do
not get surpessed.
avri:ie. we get represented in the report as well.
Volker Greimann:JN2 is a extreme compromise position, not the position of
choice where as RACK is the proposal of choice of the proponents
Jothan Frakes:my concern is that we're going to hand too many diverse and
conflicting results over as a product
Ron A:@avri: No problem with represenation, but don't want to present all to
the community and say chinese food anyone?
Jeffrey Eckhaus:sorry if we send in conflicting results but that is the most
representative of this group
Volker Greimann:Jothan, we do not have a product, we have a bundle of ideas
Jothan Frakes:maybe a better choice of words volker
Jothan Frakes:thanks
richard Tindal:Nevett +1
CLO:Yes the Brussels outputs were DIFFER#ENT to JN2 or RACK +
Jothan Frakes:+1 JN
avri:Ron: that was never my idea. i think the 3 docs on exceptions,
complaines, SRSU ... are included for refeence.
Sivasubramanian M:At Brussels decisions were taken by those physically present
with remote participation not enabled. What was the proportion of WG members
physically present at Brussels ?
Keith Drazek:also, the BRU2 proposal allowed 100% cross-ownership provided no
Volker Greimann:i rather show a correct representation of the views in this
group than a glossed over papaer neglecting major groups
avri:those 3 are the report --- everything else is adenda
Ron A:@ avri: I agree with that
Berry Cobb:The polling will dictate the weight.
Kathy Kleiman:+1 Ken!
avri:-1 Ken
Volker Greimann:ken: how do we define which proposals gained traction and
which did not?
Berry Cobb:Free Trade is in that format. and will be circulated soon. Fact
Checking with propoonents. Coming soon to you Siva, as being the original
Volker Greimann:i may be going out on a limb, but I believe each single one
proposal brought some unique ideas to the table hat may form part of the full
Sivasubramanian M:Thanks Berry
Volker Greimann:Berry, can I preview? I may want to add a few points from ORP
Berry Cobb:We need to have 1 standard format +1 Mikey
Roberto:This discussion looks to me as back to the beauty contest on proposals
we were a couple of months ago. Or am I missing something?
Berry Cobb:yes Volker. will be sending out in a few minutes
Berry Cobb:Perhaps Roberto, but the beuaty contest has the most meaniful
Ron A:@ Roberto: You stated my point exactly!
Ron A:We are going in reverse here...
Berry Cobb:The matrix is the meat and heart of the efforts put forth
Roberto:@Berry: but has the disadvantage that it is guaranteed not to achieve
consensus, therefore voiding the purpose of this WG
Keith Drazek:perhaps we should add in the Brussels molecuies to Kathy's
original matrix and be done with it, rather than the reverse
Phil Buckingham:Jeff +1 - we need to submit all proposals and how and why we
converged on the two at Brussels . Yes all proposals must be in the same
Berry Cobb:we tried it without the beauty contest....and we still do not have
Volker Greimann:just take the poll as a method to weed out the proposals
without sufficient support from the report
Berry Cobb:+1 Keith. I can accept that.
Ron A:+1 Tim
Brian Cute:+1 Tim
ken stubbs 2:if anything, you just made the very point.. there is, at this
point in time after 15 weeks, no consensus
richard Tindal:Tim -- yes, an atom in one molecule doesnt have same effect as
that same aton in different modelule
Berry Cobb:+1 VOlker, thats why I said at our private face 2 face. there are
basically 3 proposals that have support (RACK+, no significant change, JN2,
middle ground, Free trade, innovation)
Berry Cobb:thats the results of that last poll.
Keith Drazek:the matrix worked well prior to Brussels, so let's use that as
the baseline comparison document, but the Brussels work should also be captured
Berry Cobb:+1 Keith
Volker Greimann:i would still like to see a more current view of the
poisitions of the group
Volker Greimann:the old poll is weeks old, and there has been movement since
Roberto:@Avri: that was my opinion as well. We have no consensus on proposals
(neither initial, nor molecules) but we have identified 3 elements we need to
work on
Berry Cobb:+1 Volker. My position has changed since that last poll.
Berry Cobb:What I learned outsideof the WG made the difference.
Volker Greimann:Brussels changed a few minds, I think
richard Tindal:i agree with Avri --- on what topics is there something
approaching consensus? Is it Orphan?
CLO:Report must include Brussels outcomes as well IMO
Phil Buckingham:Keith +1 matrix format is good . Clear and concise for the
community to understand
Roberto:@Richard: Orphan is one of the exceptions. I think we have rough
consensus (to be verified) that we need to have an exception list over the
Volker Greimann:ken +1
richard Tindal:Roberto - agree. I feel we have substantive consensus on
Orphan concept too
Keith Drazek:the report should include anything we have consensus on, even it
it's at a conceptual level, and it should also include the appropriate
background to represent the various views from A to Z
CLO:and some of us only gave VERY conditional support for proposals in the
orignal poll
Keith Drazek:exceptions and compliance
Phil Buckingham:Who gets to vote on these polls ? Everybody who sent in a SOI
originally ??
Kathy Kleiman:+1 Keith - exceptions and compliance
ken stubbs 2:no criticism here.. but we never got to SRSU.. (fully understand
why) .. still a fact..
Volker Greimann:Phil: I imagine so
Ron A:Certainly, we ALL agree on compliance getting the resources it needs to
start the rollout of new gTLDS.
avri:we have discussed in interminably on the list
Volker Greimann:ken: regrettably true
Roberto:If we have a poll, on which I agree, we should really have the
proposals in the same format.
Keith Drazek:@ken, isn't SRSU an exception? i agree we should have spent more
time on it, but isn't it covered by the 'exceptions' heading in some way?
Keith Drazek:not entirely admittedly
Kathy Kleiman:or not covered by the exceptions -- SRSU seems very different
from the exceptions outlined
richard Tindal:thanks Mikey Chin up
Berry Cobb:Thank Mikey!
Berry Cobb:& Roberto!
Jothan Frakes:thanks all
avri:we discussed SRSU at very great length on the list.
avri:more than i think we discussed anyting else.
CLO:and it is an exception listed in the draft
Keith Drazek:agreed, i just meant over the last 2 meetings
Ron A:Just haven't gotten to any form of consensus needed in 72 hours...
Jothan Frakes:I am off
Ron A:@ CLO: I feel the same way... Have a good morning!
CLO:LOL gee thanks :-)
Volker Greimann:still on the line, I'd love to listen in on you talking
Ron A:By all.
CLO:Bye all
avri:bye (and i did hang - despite my great desire to becme a spider on the
avri:hang up
Jothan Frakes:bye all
richard Tindal:do we have consensus on how much happiness that this WG is
winding up? 2%?
Jothan Frakes:good luck roberto and mikey
avri:i did
avri:100% hapy
avri:happy happy, joy, joy
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