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[gnso-vi-feb10] the way forward regarding proposals, drafts and polls

  • To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] the way forward regarding proposals, drafts and polls
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:50:51 -0500

hi all,

Roberto and i held on to the conference bridge for a few minutes after the call 
and came up with this approach to the "proposals and polls" discussion.

1) all proposal-advocates should send the latest version of their proposal to 
the list by this time tomorrow (noon PDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT, 20:00 GMT).  
preferably in the shared format, but not required.

2) we will poll on all proposals, similar to the way we polled before Brussels, 
including the two new "Brussels proposals" in that poll -- this will be 
included as the level of support for each proposal in the "Proposals" Annex of 
the initial report.

3) we will also build and conduct an "atoms" poll, and will use the proposals 
as the basis for the values of the atoms in that poll.  again, this will be 
used to describe the range of views of the working group in an Annex to the 

4) sub-teams will develop another draft of their sections (Compliance, 
Exceptions, SRSU) by that same "right about this time tomorrow" deadline so 
that we can also build a poll to determine level of support for those drafts

5) the polls will get built later in the afternoon tomorrow and will be opened 
up as quickly as we can -- we'll take a snapshot of the results a few hours 
before the call on Thursday provide the results of that snapshot for the call

the body of the report will focus on those areas where the sub-teams are 
working -- some sort of exceptions process and a statement about the value/need 
for a robust compliance function.  we can debate whether poor old SRSU gets its 
own section of the report or gets included in the (preliminary, to be refined) 
list of exceptions.  if any other areas of agreement emerge from the polling, 
we'll highlight and discuss those on the call Thursday

nope, this isn't perfect -- but we're out of time for "perfect."



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