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[gnso-vi-feb10] chat transcript from today's call
- To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] chat transcript from today's call
- From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 14:15:15 -0500
Jothan Frakes HM:Be nice to CLO
Tim Ruiz:BTW, I think Jon's version of JN2 is better. And recognize that the
RACK description may need a few edits as well.
Volker Greimann:I agree that removing all advocacy is probably the best way to
jeff neuman:@Tim - Yeah, was kind of shocked that RACKers criticized my
version and then their description had more advocacy than my version of JN2
jeff neuman:@Tim - statements like: “In the interest of registrants,
registrars and registries of all sizes, this proposal recommends the
continuation of ICANN’s current policy of separation between registries and
registrars.” and "This cross ownership approach allows both registry operators
and registrars to invest in domain name wholesale and retail businesses thus
stimulating growth in the industry. At the same time, the 15% ownership cap
avoids creating ownership positions that provide incentives for registries and
registrars alike to discriminate against unaffiliated competitors" are advocacy!
Volker Greimann:yes, but sometimes it is hard to remove all advocacy when it
sneaks in without one noticing
Eric Brunner-Williams:@jeff n: i saw brian's text when you did. both your text
and his were disapointing as they failed to state a policy without advocacy
r tindal:RACK+ 200 worder needs to be amended also
Brian Cute:could we have a draft by Wednesday?
Brian Cute:pretty please?
Tim Ruiz:@Jeff, I'm not denying that. We'll fix it.
jeff neuman:@tim - Thanks!
Tim Ruiz:@RT, the word limit is rediculous. I think we're all trying to be as
succinct as possible. And I thought it was 250 anyway.
Brian Cute:I thought we only had 200 words.
jeff neuman:We did ours in less than 200 and I see no reason to revise
Brian Cute::)
Tim Ruiz:Brian, are you going to edit? I can do it otherwise.
Brian Cute:happy to edit.
Jothan Frakes HM:Exec Summary Neutralization under way
Brian Cute:ok will check it.
Brian Cute:thanks
Volker Greimann:tbh, i did not count words, but tried to be succinct anyway
Jothan Frakes HM:I think Nevett did it well with JN
Jothan Frakes HM:wrt the exec summary
Marika Konings:https://st.icann.org/vert-integration-pdp/index.cgi?compliance
Marika Konings:I presume that is the latest draft?
j.C. Vignes:sorry to be late guys1
Keith Drazek:mikey left section 4 in on purpose to get jeff riled up ;-)
Kathy Kleiman:that's right, S&W didn't care about it -- and that's what the
paragraph says.
ken stubbs:why cant we just put a link to their report in the report. all they
did was to just brief us on the report
jeff neuman:Actually Kathy -- I asked the question!
jeff neuman:I asked it in January 2010 in Washington DC
Jothan Frakes HM:I think it is important that the DAGv4 be factually
summarized as well, else the reader may not understand the baseline
Kathy Kleiman:then you asked a different question, jeff
jeff neuman:I asked the question also in Sydney in 2009
Eric Brunner-Williams:case-by-case (s & w) != single contract (jj & dh & kp &
jeff neuman:If anyone were to write that paragraph it should have been me (as
I do have the transcript)
jeff neuman:But I think the paragraphs should be omitteed
Kathy Kleiman:no quite
Kathy Kleiman:not quite
avri:they spoke for an enitre meeting. so that last statemnt of Jeff's is not
really true.
Kathy Kleiman:isn't that purpose of the paragraph? how can we disagree on what
we agree on?
r tindal:jeff's point is valid - we did not spend much time on S & W
ken stubbs:tim +1
avri:i beleive it should be included - so it will not be full consensus
Roberto:@jeff @richard however, we should keep the reference to the report -
maybe not extensive text, but for sure the reference
jeff neuman:@avri - not a surprise since it supports your view
avri:no, our views is based on their analysis - cart before horse
jeff neuman:@Roberto - Yes, that is what we agreed to on Friday by a huge
Phil Buckingham:Roberto +1
Jothan Frakes HM:so ote is to remove w&w
Jothan Frakes HM:>>> Also, Mikey, are you disclosing who votes what way?
r tindal:i agree re reference inclusion
Brian Cute:are absentee ballots available? do you count chads?
Jothan Frakes HM:lol brian
Kathy Kleiman:lol
r tindal:who's Chad?
r tindal:is he a Pole?
Jothan Frakes HM:that's a bush/gore reference
Eric Brunner-Williams:about a third, if not more, of the cherokees involved in
cno politics would like for chad (smith, current cno principal chief) to ...
avri:we will pretend they don't exist.
jeff neuman:That was not my proposal
Jothan Frakes HM:wait, mikey this is confusing
Jothan Frakes HM:what does I agree = ?
jeff neuman:My proposal was reference the report, reference the call, but not
restate their position or do their advocacy
Eric Brunner-Williams:s&w's pretense was that there were no industry specific
fact issues to consider, so as far as they were concerned, the dns didn't exist
r tindal:jeff +1
Kristina Rosette:Agree with Roberto
Jon Nevett:Agree with Roberto -- we can reference without all of the
CLO:I agree with Roberto it is work done and can be footnoted or annexed
Ron A:+1 Roberto
Statton Hammock:Agree with Robert
Kristina Rosette:I like CLO's footnote/annex suggestion.
avri:we should move what is in 6 to the annex
Jothan Frakes HM:+1 Kristina, CLO
Jothan Frakes HM:+1 roberto
Phil Buckingham:Roberto - yes this a fact must reference +1
Jothan Frakes HM:annex
Keith Drazek:+1 jeff n
Keith Drazek:let's poll on that
Tim Ruiz:Jeff's suggestion is fine with me.
CLO:So suggetsion id footnote to sec 2.2
CLO:is not id
avri:i thik this erasure of indormation is wrong and willmake the report
defective. the section in the report now should be moved to the annex.
Volker Greimann:hi all, back on my backup portable
Alan:@Eric +1
CLO:As I said footnote OR annex I just want to know where we are putting
reference to the work done
Roberto:@Volker: is it a trick to vote twice? ;>)
Volker Greimann:"We" as in all of us, or "we" as in those of us who did not
share their view?
Volker Greimann:i wish
Keith Drazek:+1 avri
Volker Greimann:@roberto I wish. Just lost weeks of drafts
Keith Drazek:we considered the report, we had a call with S&W, that needs to
be referenced somehow
avri:so onclude CRA
Keith Drazek:links to the CRA and S&W are fine
r tindal:keith +1
ken stubbs:move that we close debate & finish final poll
avri:you had the opportunity to have them bring CRA or other. you did not but
wuited until the end to prejusidce the case.
Phil Buckingham:Keith / Jeff N +1 links
avri:you lack of transparency frightens me
Brian Cute:I just said keeing in a reference by way of footnote is fine.
avri:this is supression of information
Brian Cute:there are other quesitons of transparency concerning the economic
analysis that was undertaken
Volker Greimann:annex, but in the shortened form
Jothan Frakes HM:ok so to clarify, "I agree = footnote"
Kristina Rosette:um. why can't it be both a short footnote with an annex?
r tindal:JF - yes
Brian Cute:if it is part of the report and can be read in full by readers, I
don't see the suppression.
Jothan Frakes HM:++++++ 1000000 Ken
avri:you had the chance to get other economic info discussed. doing it at
\this late date is suprossion of information you don't like. at this poit it
looks like direty tricks.
Jothan Frakes HM:so Agree=footnote disagree=annex
Kristina Rosette:so if I think it should be both, I shouldn't vote?
Amadeu Abril i Abril:is polling addictive?
Jothan Frakes HM:@Kristina isnt Annex the same as both?
Brian Cute:please Avri. If reps in this group had put forward alternative
economic analysis, it would have been attacked as self interested and, if
allowed in the report, would have been designated as the view of the members
that put it forward.
Kathy Kleiman:avri, I think it is fair to discuss the weight of outside
research and presentations. We did question their work, we did on the call, and
now we are raising similar concerns and questions. That seems fair and
Kathy Kleiman:what?
Kristina Rosette:@Jothan: I think there needs to be an annex. However, if
there's no footnote, why would people think to even look for it in the Annex
or, if they found it, read it?
avri:i am not saying a foot note saying there was divided onpion is not
Eric Brunner-Williams:i wish there was a third category for GONE
Jothan Frakes HM:@KR footnote would say see annex _X_
Jothan Frakes HM::)
Tim Ruiz:@Jothan LOL
jeff neuman:No good deed goes unpunished
Kristina Rosette:my head hurts
Volker Greimann:more voting
ken stubbs:+1 kristina
Kristina Rosette:I'm about 5 minutes away from recirculating a revised SRSU.
Kathy Kleiman:can we go back to the original SRSU, the one we voted on in the
Jothan Frakes HM:@KR would you reccomend we postpone SRSU polling until after
we see this?
Kristina Rosette:@Jothan: That would seem to be a good idea
Volker Greimann:tim+1
Kathy Kleiman:+1 Time
Kathy Kleiman:+1 Tim -- fingers not working today :-)
Ron A:+1 Tim
Jothan Frakes HM:(joking) we need an R2D2 proposal
Ron A:@ Jeff re SRMU +1 Nothing more than a reference is appropriate
Volker Greimann:@tim: a lot of restrictions make no sense
Jothan Frakes HM:Ron, Richard, can you do a proposal?
r tindal:Agree with Jeff and Tim. SRSU concept has most 'In Favor' and 'Can
Live With' support of any question on poll -- but not the details
Phil Buckingham:Jeff +1 - talked about it , so must reference. SRMU
r tindal:noting that Orphan exception support is almost identical to SRSU
Ron A:+1 Kathy Absolutely correct
Eric Brunner-Williams:@tim +1
Jothan Frakes HM:+1 Richard, I made that point earlier... the reader needs a
Jothan Frakes HM:so a summary of the DAGv4 would benefit from the clarity that
a summary would provide
Jothan Frakes HM:@Kristina have you sent the SRSU update?
Jothan Frakes HM:got it
Kristina Rosette:@Jothan. Yes. sent to the list. It's about 1 1/2 pages.
Jothan Frakes HM:gtrateful for brevity
Eric Brunner-Williams:reading it
Jon Nevett:Agree with Alan
Jon Nevett:take a quick poll and be done with it
Phil Buckingham:Alan +1 exactly
Kristina Rosette:I have a hard stop at 2:30 so I can do (gasp!) paying work.
Are we still planning to cover poll and tone?
Eric Brunner-Williams:we are not icann staff, what we think, confused or
correct, is what motivates us
Kristina Rosette:In light of the differing interpretations, what's the harm in
simply noting that?
Eric Brunner-Williams:i have to stop at 2:30 to take the kids swimming
(splash!) so i'll not be using adobe after that point
jeff neuman:Its amazing to me how we as a community are so tolerant of ICANN
staff not clarifying what they meant despite the fact that they did it top-down
jeff neuman:Isnt that a part of accountability
Alan:@jeff +1 also @tim +1
Kristina Rosette:@Jeff: disagree with you on the tolerance bit. I think we're
going to see that in the public comments - on DAG4 generally.
jeff neuman:@Kristina...glad to hear
jeff neuman:Becuase nothing is more infuriating than having staff set out a
rule which has some ambiguities saying "the words speak for themselves"
Phil Buckingham:So lets call Kurt ??? and see what happens ?
ken stubbs:+1 tim
Eric Brunner-Williams:that's been tried
Kristina Rosette:am I the only one humming the Twilight Zone theme music?
Eric Brunner-Williams:jepordy
jeff neuman:Its typical avoidance
r tindal:i think there is only one ambiguity in DAG4 cross ownership langauge
the rest is very clear
Alan:@Kristina - nope!
jeff neuman:+1 Tim!
ken stubbs:if not people are playing craps with the $185,000
Phil Buckingham:Tim +1
ken stubbs:+1 tim
Volker Greimann:the answer i think is that staff does not know it
Paul Diaz:+1 Tim
jeff neuman:Why is our interpretation of the DAG relevant?
Alan:I can understand they they don't want to rephrase, but that is VERY
different from refusing to answer if we have it right.
Jon Nevett:Mikey +1 and say silence is assent
Statton Hammock:Agree with Tim
j.C. Vignes:+1 Ti,
Volker Greimann:in brussels, during the RC meeting, board members pretty much
came out with the statement that Nairobi was supposed to be only a clear slate
for us to do our work, intended as an uncomfortable baseline that would force
us to come to a consensus
Volker Greimann:if that was the intention, there is no hidden sense, it means
what it means, as it is only a placeholder for what we come up with
Kristina Rosette:it's a kind of snarky idea, but why doesn't someone put the
questions in a letter and mail it to ICANN? Then it will go up on the
correspondence page (or someone will have to explain why it's not there) and
the absence of a response will speak for itself.
Kathy Kleiman: We could submit a formal letter to ICANN, probably to Kurt,
with the question. The letter, and any response, would appear on the public
Correspondence list.
Kathy Kleiman:this is what Ken just said as well.
Kristina Rosette:Kathy and I are having a mind meld. spooky
Jothan Frakes HM:+1 ken, kathy, kristina
Kathy Kleiman:That's wierd!
Kathy Kleiman:But cool!
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:can someone summarize what they thik is ambigious about
the DAG for VI/CO?
Jothan Frakes HM:The K3 proposal
Kathy Kleiman:lol
Kristina Rosette:@Kathy: definitely
ken stubbs:kinda what transparency is supposed to be
CLO:Don't start me on that today @Ken *sigh*
ken stubbs:sorry.. i share your pain (but dont want your burden)
CLO:Not just mone
Brian Cute:how about "violently" divided?
Alan:Ken, It is "ICANN transparaency"
Eric Brunner-Williams:@alan +1
Volker Greimann:if you can see through it, it has no content
Volker Greimann:so much for transparency
Alan:Volker, you can see through holograms, but they have loads of content!
Volker Greimann:true
Volker Greimann:but the it is not real
Kristina Rosette:have to drop off. The only thing on my VI WG to do list is
the summary for section 6 of the IPC proposal. If I've missed something,
please let me know via list. thanks!
Alan:Not sure we want to go down that road with respect to ICANN!
Volker Greimann:jc+1
Volker Greimann:there is always a middle way
Volker Greimann:i agree, we made progress, minds were changed, proposals
Jothan Frakes HM:will we please include polls in document
Volker Greimann:more talking about polls ;-)
r tindal:i think if we're going to nclude the Poll we include the whole Poll
Taking pieces out selectively doesnt feel right to me
ken stubbs:disagree most of poll was somewhat convoluted & confusing to many
ken stubbs:especiall with reference to atoms
Volker Greimann:the lurkers argument again
r tindal:how will we decide which parts are not confusing -- and will not
removing some parts of the thing make it even less clear?
Volker Greimann:if they wanted to vote, they would have
Kathy Kleiman:aggregate data, perhaps, is valuable, but individual data, I
don't know.
Volker Greimann:some of the lurkers are possibly only here as observers
Eric Brunner-Williams:it is irresponsible for volunteers to abadon their
committment to participate reasonably to the best of their abilities.
Sivasubramanian M:hello I was watching wag the dog waiting for the meeting to
start at 19.00 UTC... Didn't notice that it was to start at 17 30 today
Volker Greimann:true, but making the argument that the poll is invalid because
not everyone voted on it makes no sense
Sivasubramanian M:( not dialled in)
Phil Buckingham:Give the 20 non responders 3 days to reply / complete ???
Ron A:I agree, lurkers are not helpful in any way... If someone submits an
SOI to be in this group and just listern, they should be comelled to vote at
the very least!
ken stubbs:the reason in many cases for starts & stops was the confusion prev
Volker Greimann:i am against any obligation to vote, phil
Volker Greimann:and now... the 5 minutes on polling are up...
Kathy Kleiman:can we poll the poll??
Volker Greimann:can we have a poll on if we want to talk to talk more on the
Alan:Sorting by name, Cheryl, Ron and Scott show up twice.
r tindal:ken's putting more quarters in
ken stubbs:got
ken stubbs:got cut off.. re dialing back in
Ron A:For transparency, my first time round didn't take for some reason, hence
I'm in twice.... :o)
Alan:Unfortunately we cannot tell which was first...
ken stubbs:+1
Ron A:My point all along, Tim...
r tindal:lets poll on including the poll
Brian Cute:let's have a poll on no more "poll jokes." We'll call it the "Dead
Horse" poll.
r tindal:i wasnt joking
Brian Cute:I had an Auntie Poll. She lived in Sheboygan.
CLO:Mikey re the me in twice issue => It looks like my changed a few views
run on the Poll did not override the 1st initial one (when I was more confused)
so ditch the data from my 1st listed one in order of sort by name please...
Brian Cute:Ron +!
Brian Cute:1
Tim Ruiz:Polls for our own use can be adhoc, done ourselves, etc. Polls for
public consumption/reporting/final decision making should be prepared
Ron A:@ Mikey: Please select my second attempt as well. Thanks!
Ron A:+1 Tim
Alan:@amadeu +1
CLO:I agree with @amadeu
CLO:on interests issue
Alan:Never expected to have "death penalty" raised in the VI discussion!
CLO:Ohh I don't know Alan seems this all MUST be life and death stuff ;-)
Volker Greimann:well, we do have the RACK, so the death penaltiy is not far
Kathy Kleiman:what are the deadlines ahead??
Alan:ok. I yield.
Volker Greimann:can we poll on this, mikey
r tindal:volker +1
Kathy Kleiman:can we poll on "to heck with polls"?!
Jothan Frakes HM:+1 volker
Ron A:Not in the queue, Mikey
Alan:I think we need a poll to decide on if we have a poll on polls.
Ron A:Kristina has dropped off, Mikey...
Phil Buckingham:Jothan Frakes His Majesty/ Volker +1
Jothan Frakes HM:it stands for 'hire me' lol
Volker Greimann:i was thinking the same about the HM in his name, phil
Volker Greimann:Jothan as first registrant for .royal?
r tindal:notquite.royal
Tom Barrett - EnCirca:.HMS
Tim Ruiz:I'd like a Numers version for the iPad :)
Tim Ruiz:Numbers version that is
Phil Buckingham:Does the O Connor Foundation require donations ?
Volker Greimann:still waiting for the version with frnt cam
Tim Ruiz:Thanks Mikey
Jothan Frakes HM:jothan.jester
Jothan Frakes HM:thanks everyone
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