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Re: [gnso-whois-study] revised (final?) report attached

  • To: Liz Gasster <liz.gasster@xxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-whois-study@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-whois-study@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-whois-study] revised (final?) report attached
  • From: "David W. Maher" <dmaher@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 15:44:43 -0500

I approve
thanx for all the good work

At 02:31 PM 5/20/2008, Liz Gasster wrote:
All, thanks so much for your input and participation. Here is the ?final? report for your review. Please provide any final edits by tomorrow COB. My cover letter could say (feel free to give me edits here too):

Council members:

Attached please find the final report of the WHOIS study group, which was convened by the Council on 27 March to examine the study recommendations suggested by the public (and later augmented with study suggestions recommended by the Government Advisory Committee), and to make a recommendation to the Council.

Also, in the course of discussions on further studies of WHOIS, study participants asked for more information on IRIS and specifically more information about what it would take to implement IRIS from both a technical and policy perspective. Steve Crocker has provided an email response (also would be attached), and has also offered to participate in a Q & A or broader discussion, at which SSAC experts could have a dialogue with the GNSO Council and constituency representatives. Staff would be happy to coordinate such a conversation at the Council?s request.

The WHOIS study group would be glad to answer questions about the report and our deliberation process.

Thanks, Liz Gasster

Study group participants:

Jordi Iparraguirre
Ken Stubbs
David Maher
Steve Metalitz
Lee Eulgen
Steve DelBianco
Tony Harris
Tim Ruiz
Paul Stahura
James Bladel
Stéphane Van Gelder
Norbert Klein
Robin Gross
Danny Younger
Beau Brendler
Wendy Seltzer
Liz Gasster - staff
Content-Type: application/msword;
name="GNSO WHOIS Study Group report to the Council draft v4 May 20.doc"
Content-Description: GNSO WHOIS Study Group report to the Council draft  v4
 May 20.doc
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GNSO WHOIS Study Group report to"
 the Council draft  v4 May 20.doc"; size=118272;
        creation-date="Tue, 20 May 2008 12:01:58 GMT";
        modification-date="Tue, 20 May 2008 12:04:53 GMT"
David W. Maher
Senior Vice President - Law & Policy
.ORG, The Public Interest Registry
1775 Wiehle Ave, #102A
Reston, VA 20190  USA
(v) +1-312-876-8055
(f)  +1-312-876-7934

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