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Re: [gtld-council] Dates for a possible physical meeting in Brussels

  • To: Bruce Tonkin <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gtld-council] Dates for a possible physical meeting in Brussels
  • From: Thomas Keller <tom@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:39:43 +0200

As far as I know there is a ICANN European Registrar meeting scheduled 
for the 24-26 of May in Barcelona. If possible in any way I would
like to recommend to use this venue for a intermediate meeting before



Am 29.03.2006 schrieb Bruce Tonkin:
> Hello All,
> At the end of our meeting on Sunday the committee discussed possibly
> holding another physical meeting - e.g a 3 day meeting in Brussels.
> Please send a note to the list (or to the GNSO Secretariat) regarding
> some suggested dates, or dates when there are major events that involve
> members of the ICANN community between now and the ICANN meeting in
> Marrakech, Morocco (26-30 June 2006).
> Regards,
> Bruce 



(oo)    /|\     A cow is not entirely full of
  | |--/ | *    milk some of it is hamburger!
  w w w  w  

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