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[gtld-council] Re: NCUC Statement on Rec. #6

  • To: robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gtld-council] Re: NCUC Statement on Rec. #6
  • From: Liz Williams <liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 14:40:31 +0200


I had intended to deal with any minority statements or personal comments (for example, provided by Nominating Committee members) by inserting them in the appropriate places within the text of the next draft of the Final Report. I will cut and paste the comments verbatim.

Please let me know if you would prefer some other treatment of them AND please submit whatever comments are outstanding as promptly as possible.


Liz Williams
Senior Policy Counselor
ICANN - Brussels
+32 2 234 7874 tel
+32 2 234 7848 fax
+32 497 07 4243 mob

On 21 Jul 2007, at 07:02, Robin Gross wrote:

<NCUC-Dissenting View on Rec6.doc>

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