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Hexadecimal TLD's

  • To: <gtld-evaluation@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Hexadecimal TLD's
  • From: "Andi" <andi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 16:46:15 +0100


I am sorry but I didn't agree with:

"0xff" (255 in hexadecimal) as the top-level domain can be
interpreted as IP addresses.

I don't know who had this "great" suggestion but it seems that this person 
don't had a look to already existing and "without technical problems" running 
TLD's. In this case ccTLD's. Some examples for hex ccTLD's: ac, be, ca, cc, cd 
and de

So I see no reason to refuse "hex" TLD's, even if they are builded with 2 
characters/numbers only. I am sure that there is no country which will have a 
digit in his ccTLD. Not now and not in future.

Best regards

Andreas Baumgart

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