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Evaluation Criteria: lack of policy-related references

  • To: gtld-evaluation@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Evaluation Criteria: lack of policy-related references
  • From: Amadeu Abril i Abril <Amadeu@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:08:30 +0100

Compared to previous RFPs, we note a surprising lack of detail in the questionnaire relating to the TLD intended policies. Everything from registration policies; sunrise and landrush; protection of rights of others; enforcement procedures; specific services, actual or planned... all seems to be grouped into a single question.

Not that we encourage excessive details, but we believe that in order to prevent mistakes from applicants, thinking that technical and financial requirements is all that count, the Guidebook should spedify (and rate) at least the fowllowing:

* General registration policies, and special ones, if any (types of registrations or registrants, if distinction is made) *Specific mechanisms for the TLD launch (sunrise, special allocation mechanisms; landrush, etc) * Compliance/enforcement procedures, if any, and dispute resolution proceudres * Special services (not necessairily in the New Rgistry Services meaning) offered and/or planned.

This would help some applicants better defining their proposal, should help ICANN in really understaning and better evaluating them and should prevent too many surpriseds down the road.

Amadeu  Abril i Abril
CORE Internet Council of Registrars

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