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ICC Comments on Introduction of new gTLDs

  • To: <gtld-guide@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: ICC Comments on Introduction of new gTLDs
  • From: "Salow, Heidi C." <Heidi.Salow@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:25:43 -0500

Dear Mr. Twomey and Mr. Dengate Thrush:
The Internet Commerce Coalition ("ICC") has reviewed the New gTLD
Program: Draft Applicant Guidebook ("Guidebook"), and hereby submits its
Comments. The ICC's Comments address the Guidebook as a whole, as well
as Modules 1, 2 and 3. 
As the process of addressing community concerns associated with new
gTLDs continues, the ICC looks forward to continuing to provide its
input and suggestions. Thank you for providing the opportunity to do so.

Heidi Salow and David Lieber
Counsel to the ICC


Heidi Salow, CIPP
Of Counsel, Communications, Privacy and eCommerce Practice

500 8th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004

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571.436.9706 M
Heidi.Salow@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Heidi.Salow@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 

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