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Please do not support the creation of a XXX domain

  • To: "Members of the Board" <icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Please do not support the creation of a XXX domain
  • From: "Tim Friedrich" <tee-pee-free@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 07:49:08 -0500

Members of the Board

I have been made aware of the fact that creating an xxx domain is being 
considered for pornography.

Neither ICANN nor the company urging the establishment of this new domain are 
arguing that the .XXX domain would clean up the .COM domain and require all 
pornographers to move to .XXX.  The .COM domain is a cash cow for pornographers 
and they are not leaving it.  ICANN has no enforcement powers to make them 
leave and thus clean up .COM.  Pornographers would simply expand to .XXX and 
maintain their current .COM sites, perhaps doubling the number of porn sites 
and doubling their menace to society.

Please do not create a .XXX domain.

I agree with Malcolm Muggeridge who said, "How do I know pornography depraves 
and corrupts? It depraves and corrupts me".  We continue to lie to ourselves 
about the effects of such material by feigning outrage at the level of sexual 
content in movies, songs, tv and society in general.  We foolishly pass sexual 
harassment laws while increasing the intensity and amount of sex-saturated 
venues.  Why do we allow those who claim to see no problem with such material 
to freely foist it upon those of us who do?  If we can legislate against 
something as "ethereal" as second-hand smoke, why can we not legislate against 
what most of us consider first-hand smut?  Please, if you must make changes in 
this area, do so in such a way as to make it easier to avoid it rather than 
more difficult to even
ignore, let alone avoid.


Tim Friedrich
305 12th Ave
Sterling, IL 61081

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