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Please do not support the creation of a XXX domain

  • To: "Members of the Board" <icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Please do not support the creation of a XXX domain
  • From: "Denise Baptista" <denisebap@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 07:53:08 -0500

Members of the Board

Although the internet has brought about many good things, it has also been the 
instrument that has brought pornography of all sorts right into the home, 
bringing addiction and much relational pain and anguish to families.  I 
know--my family is one of those affected.  And now ICANN is being asked to 
create a whole new pornographic internet domain.  This is a real problem.

Neither ICANN nor the company urging the establishment of this new domain are 
arguing that the .XXX domain would clean up the .COM domain and require all 
pornographers to move to .XXX.  The .COM domain is a cash cow for pornographers 
and they are not leaving it.  ICANN has no enforcement powers to make them 
leave and thus clean up .COM.  Pornographers would simply expand to .XXX and 
maintain their current .COM sites, perhaps doubling the number of porn sites 
and doubling their menace to society.

Please do not create a .XXX domain.  I urge ICANN to carefully consider the 
real, and not the virtual, results of doing so.

Thank you very much for considering my opinion.


Denise Baptista
278 W Winthrop Ave
Elmhurst, IL 60126

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