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no to .xxxdomain.

  • To: icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: no to .xxxdomain.
  • From: Helen McKelleher <hmckelleher@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 18:40:07 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Sir,  We can well do without the establishment of the proposed .xxxdomain 
website. Those involved in this pornographic industry have no thought for what 
is true or good or right for society - they are only interested in profits, $ 
signs.                It has been well researched the debilitating 
de-humanising de-sensitising effects that pornography in its deviant forms has 
on the human psyche. Depression, anxiety self-harm etc. note the e.g. of Wayne 
Frankum Strathfield massacre Sydney, Australia.               As a mother of 
four children I do not want or need or expect , vigilance of the internet 
screen, to be added to my responsibilitys as a parent. I believe I speak for 
most parents on this key issue.Regards Helen McKelleher.


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