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against .xxx domain

  • To: icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: against .xxx domain
  • From: Erin Roach <erincurryroach@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:18:22 -0400

As an American citizen, I am asking ICANN not to establish a .xxx
domain. The establishment of such a domain would grant a legitimizing status
to the pornography industry. The domains that are available today including
.com, .net, .gov, .edu, .us, etc. represent certain areas of societal value.
The proposed revisions do nothing to address the fact that granting a niche
business its own top-level domain name would be unique to pornographers, who
would gain a status currently only available to groups like schools,
governments and nations.

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