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Porn should not be made more accessible

  • To: <icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Porn should not be made more accessible
  • From: <glprince@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 15:31:01 -0500


I support Option #3 of the March 26, 
2010 process options submitted by ICANN 
for public comment.

ICANN sould vote to adopt the dissenting 
opinion of the Panel's Declaration on 
the basis that the Board thinks that the 
Panel's majority opinion was wrong and 
that the Board's conduct was consistent 
with ICANN's Bylaws and Articles of 

Porn is addictive and has a negative 
affect on the brain reasoning center (as 
does any addiction). Addiction to porn 
results in decreased productivity. 
Addiction to porn has also proven to 
substantially affect attitudes towards 
sexual behavior.

Although currently protected as 'free 
speech' by the courts, there is 
substantial evidence that the affects of 
porn have a severely negative impact on 


Gary Prince


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