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.XXX good idea, but needs modified

  • To: <icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: .XXX good idea, but needs modified
  • From: "Mark Bitton" <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 15:10:42 -0600

After reading the form letter comments, I will dissent in that I think
putting the porn industry into one domain extension is a great idea, then it
would make it simple to filter those domains through a router etc.  My issue
though is that I want them out of the .com, .net, etc. domains and only
allowed to operate in the .xxx domains.  I realize we're not going to get
rid of porn, however, if we can corral it into one filterable section of the
net so that we don't mistakenly happen upon it, then I would be okay with
this.  I don't know if this is an option, but this is my opinion.  I'm with
the general populace in saying that pornography is not good for the
individual and it's not good for society.  However, because it's not going
to go away, at least put it in a cage rather than allowing it to roam
Mark Bitton

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