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I Vote NO

  • To: <icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: I Vote NO
  • From: "Marikay Henricksen" <marikayh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 19:55:24 -0500

Folks at ICANN,

The Concerned Women for America's Legislative Action Committee has written to 
its members to inform them of your plans to create a new internet domain. This 
new domain - labeled .xxx - would be for the specific purpose of providing 
pornographic material to viewers.  In my opinion this would be a terrible idea. 
 It would make more pornography more readily available to anyone, regardless of 
age.  Our young people, our young adults, even our older adults are bombarded 
with sexual images and language on television programs and commercials, not to 
mention most of the movies offered in today's world.  Please don't allow it to 
become easier to access this horrible material by the mere click of a button!  
We are sinking quickly enough into a moral abyss, without adding a special 
venue. If it is within your power to stop this measure, please do!  Thank you 
for letting me express my opinion. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Marikay Henricksen  

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