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.XXX domains

  • To: icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: .XXX domains
  • From: Leah Davis <davisL3@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 09:32:18 -0400

Re: pornographic domains. I want you to be aware of my position on this attempt to expand and legitimize the pornographic cancer in our society. *Pornography only degrades the others in the eyes of the viewer - be it men or women*. Pornography is like the introductory drug to the alienation of others around us. The dynamic started with pornography is so vicious that it can only be satisfied by greater and more heinous experiences - whether visual or sadly, real. Go back, I ask you, and *study the life of Ted Bundy*. His sick trail of murders began with a pornography addiction.

If anything, we need prosecution to purge this and other de-humanizing activities like sex-trafficking of people.

Thank you.


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