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enforce laws against illegal pornography NOW

  • To: icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: enforce laws against illegal pornography NOW
  • From: dzongsar@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 15:47:14 +0000 (UTC)

I absolutely suport driving pornography out of the mainstream.  I am a 
"liberal" who has seen how the business of pornography has multiplied, and 
learned how it is related to prostitution, drugs and sex trafficking of human 
persons with the multi-billion profits supporting mafia/organized international 

Why can't we stick ALL porno with a huge tax to fund the effort to eradicate 
"illegal" images?  Why can't the internet providers be held responsible for 
posting illegal content?  

End Demand now for juvenile victims of pornography and sex trafficking 
("prostitution").  Fund all electronic means of discovery to identify 
perpetrators and arrest them.  Turn technology away from advocating 
pornorgraphy to squelching it. 

C. J. Angle 

8749 SW 190th St. 

Vashon, WA   98070 

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