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In Favor of New IDN gTLD Constituency

  • To: idngtld-petition@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: In Favor of New IDN gTLD Constituency
  • From: Jessica <dandan7407@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 22:09:25 +0800 (CST)

Dear all,
You might be surprised by such an unfamiliar name submitting personal point of 
view regarding IDN gTLD constituency issue. Since China is promoting its IDN 
ccTLD “.中国” recently, I, together with some of my schoolfellows, become 
interested in IDN issue recommended by ICANN.
Outsider as I am, in view of GNSO reshuffle, I am glad to see some 
newly-applied constituency including IDN gTLD which might inject fresh blood 
into the conventional model, most importantly, the prospective IDN gTLD 
constituency will shed some light on disputes concerning IDN issues and act as 
a lighthouse for those countries eagerly expecting IDN gTLD for the sake of 
cultural diversity, and whatever.
Distinctive constituencies in GNSO remind me of various leagues in my college. 
Anyone is free to take part in specific group he is interested in or willing to 
devote to. It is impossible for one group to bar out certain student just 
because he has already been a member of another one. Actually, the considered 
“outsider” might bring in innovation or instructive suggestion for the better 
forming of this group, and vice versa. The situation might be different from 
which you are talking about, but personally, the principle remains the same. 
GNSO is now willing to listen to voice from its SGs for better distinguishing 
its members to better facilitate its performance in ICANN. This is really a 
great chance to form a special IDN gTLD to deal with IDN issues. We do not have 
to worry about mixed membership so long as they share the same “interest” (pun) 
and work together for the same goal. Issues they talk are not only defined to 
IDN but might cover topics not mentioned in other constituency. On the other 
hand, members from other constituency will give inspiration to or draw 
inspiration from this new constituency.
Whatever, this new constituency is supposed to open to groups interested and 
experienced in IDN issue and can exist as an indispensable complement to 
present paralyzed GNSO. 
As college student from China, I will always keep an eye this issue and do 
stand by the petition to form IDN gTLD constituency.
Danlei Jin (Jessica)
Capital Normal University
Beijing, China


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