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Improving Institutional Confidence consultation

  • To: <iic-consultation@xxxxxxxxx>, <paul.twomey@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Improving Institutional Confidence consultation
  • From: "Michael Bartholomew" <bartholomew@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:19:14 +0200

Mr. Paul Twomey

President & CEO





Improving Institutional Confidence consultation



Dear Mr. Twomey,


ETNO is pleased to send a copy of its recently adopted RD287 - ETNO
Reflection Document in response to the public consultation launched by ICANN
on "Improving Institutional Confidence," referring to the transition of the
organization from a single party oversight to a bottom up self governance
approach. This contribution falls in the public domain and may be published
on your web site.


ETNO is Europe's leading trade association uniting 41 major
telecommunications operators from 34 European countries (www.etno.eu
<http://www.etno.eu/> ). All our member companies have substantial Internet
operations. ETNO has joined ICANN's GNSO ISPCP and BC constituencies. 


The attached position paper has the format of an ETNO Reflection Document
which has been approved by all ETNO members and was endorsed by the
association's Executive Board. With this Reflection Document, ETNO supports
the general direction proposed by the Presidents Strategy Committee;
however, ETNO raises a number of serious concerns that need to be addressed
prior to the expiry of the current JPA in order for ICANN to transition to a
fully independent organisation.


We appreciate this opportunity offered by ICANN to comment and we remain
fully available to contribute further, as and when required, to this ongoing


Yours sincerely,


Michael Bartholomew
European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association
Avenue Louise 54
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 219 32 42
Fax: +32 2 219 64 12
www.etno.eu <http://www.etno.eue> 



Attachment: RD287 - IGV - ETNO RD ICANN Transition1.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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