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  • To: info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • From: Cheyenne Wildfeather <cheyenne32401@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 20:44:15 -0700 (PDT)

The proposed changes to the .biz, .info, .org registry agreement are completely 
unfair, especially to the small business person who cannot possibly pay what 
may be asked for a renewal of their domain name. Many of us small business 
entreprenuers make our living via the internet with our domain names used for 
selling products, information, services, etc.
  Let's say if Joe Example owns joeexampleswidgets.biz as his business name, 
and Joe Example makes perhaps $50,000.00 a year with his business on this 
domain name. Now some registrar can decide that they really like the 
joeexampleswidges.biz domain name and send Joe Example his renewal notice 
advising him that in order to renew his domain name, it will now cost him 
$75,000.00 knowing full well, that middle income Joe Example can never afford 
to renew his domain name for one year at a price of MORE than he makes in a 
year. So, what happens? Joe Example has now lost his business, has to start 
over, IF he can buy a domain name at a price he can afford. Then who is to say 
that the next domain name he chooses does not have the same thing happen?
  In my opinion, this is a disastrous move that will put your average small 
business person OUT OF BUSINESS! This is an awful move and as if every small 
business person does not have enough to worry about now, we won't even know how 
much it is going to cost us to renew and whether or not it will cost more than 
we could possibly afford to pay.
  The only ones who will stay in business are the VERY BIG PLAYERS! The rest of 
us will lose our online businesses. From there, what's next? Do the same with 
the .com and .net to make sure that no one except for the big players keep 
their domain names?
  This is completely unfair and will lead to the destruction of the internet as 
we know it. The internet has allowed many of us to own businesses who did not 
have the start up capital to own a brick and mortar business. The registrars 
already have much more revenue than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes, 
yet the power will be given to them to decide who will or will not stay in 
  This also leads to other issues such as, lets say the registrars or family 
members want to own example.info, and it's about to expire. Well, all they'll 
need to do is set the price way above what the current registrant can pay, then 
sell it to their family, friends, etc. If you don't have any friends who are 
registrars, you are simply out of luck.
  When we all lose our small businesses, there will then be an increase in 
unemployment as that will mean a LOT of internet business owners will now have 
to go find a decent job in a job market that may not have anything for them.
  PLEASE stop this insanity and do not allow the proposed changes. 
  Thank you for your time.
  Cheyenne Wolflover

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