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No to variable pricing

  • To: biz-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx, info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx, org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: No to variable pricing
  • From: Sonomacats <sonomacats@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:53:43 -0700

I am a small business owner and don't have a lot
of money.  Having equal access to domain names
makes it possible for me to compete on the internet.

Variable pricing would mean that a domain I spent
considerable time and effort developing would
suddenly be too expensive for me to continue and
I would lose the property I had worked so hard to

Variable pricing would enable only those with deep
pockets and big corporations to use the internet as
a business tool.  This puts the small business
entrepreneur at a serious disadvantage and is
extremely unfair.

As a small business owner who has made a
considerable investment in developing the domain
names I own, I am firmly opposed to the variable
pricing of domain names by the .org registry.

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