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To Whose Benefit is this? A level Playing field dies

  • To: <info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: To Whose Benefit is this? A level Playing field dies
  • From: "dawn" <dawn@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:02:28 -0700

Now that big business is seeing that the Internet allows small
business and entrepreneurs a "fair chance", the clout of big business
is again being used to keep the backbone of this country down.

However, in this beginning of squelching of small Internet upstarts and
people who have climbed the road to Internet success, you also kill
a synergistic intertwining of ecommerce. 

So, let it be! It doesn't matter if Google or Yahoo of Microsoft
pay the same $8 a year for their domain name as a small business 
person. Because under this change is endanger of unleveling 
any playing field... where the benefit to a few outweighs the 
viability of many.

Dawn Morris

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