vote NO on Variable Pricing
As a young web business owner, struggling to make a living among an online world of super-giants with millions, it becomes increasingly important that certain portions of the playing field be kept level. If my domain names for .org, .biz, and .info become up for auction to the highest bidder due to variable pricing schemes that I cannot afford - where will my livelihood go? Into the pockets of fatcat mega-monopolies with more money than god. This is not America, and this is not Jeffersonian capitalism. This is ignorant laissez-faire capitalism that destroys innovation, crushes competition, and makes the world a less ingenious and worthwhile place to be in. I URGE the ICANN association to reject outright these proposed rule changes! Do not put the fate of so many great futures on the line for the simple sake of greed. Greed is a sin, remember? We all deserve an equal shot here, and this variable pricing change is NOT the way to accomplish it. |