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Examples and stressing how user's TLD experience interdependent with other resources

  • To: interim-variant-ux@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Examples and stressing how user's TLD experience interdependent with other resources
  • From: Joseph Yee <joseph.yee@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 21:27:07 -0400

Greeting all,

First I would like to say thank you for the report, it's not an easy issue.

For the issues identified by the interim report, there are few things
worth to expand further that Variant UX team may consider about.

1) Section 6.1.12.  Variants not part of URL/URI/IRI
The examples in the report demonstrate that unequal variant management
between TLD and the rest could lead to different resources/owners.  So
I believed that the P2-Security principles applied here as well.

2) A new 6.3.x for network routing and filtering
Network management, such as routing and filtering, also need to be
aware of variant in TLD.  Firewall, content filtering (think of
monitoring tools and service with parental control ) and others use
various techniques (IP based, keywords matching, etc), and domain
based techniques play an equally important part.  If the domain based
techniques were not aware of variant, or mismanage variant rules, the
result could range from ineffective to bad.

3) Section 7 Future Work
I believed that it's never enough to stress (again!) how users'
experience on TLD variant is interdependent between TLD variant and
many other components.

Best Regards,
Joseph Yee

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