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Re: [jig] Revised - REMINDER / JIG WG - 22 November at 1300 UTC

  • To: Gisella Gruber-White <Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [jig] Revised - REMINDER / JIG WG - 22 November at 1300 UTC
  • From: Dennis Jennings <Dennis.Jennings@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 10:05:18 +0000


I regret that it is very unlikely that I will be able to participate in this call next week.

On 17/11/2011 23:26, Gisella Gruber-White wrote:
Dear All,

The next *JIG Working Group***teleconference is scheduled on *Tuesday 22 November 2011 at 1300 UTC.
_05:00 PST, 08:00 EST, 13:00 London, 14:00 CET, 21:00 Hong Kong

For other places see:
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=JIG+WG&iso=20111122T13 <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=JIG+WG&iso=20111122T13>
_Dial-in details are below:

*If you require a dial-out, please let me know.* I currently have the following people on the list :
  * Rafik Dammak
  * Sarmad Hussain

  * Fahd Batayneh

Participant passcode: *JIG
For security reasons, the passcode will be required to join the call.
Dial in numbers:
Country Toll Numbers Freephone/Toll Free Number
ARGENTINA                                                   0800-777-0519
AUSTRALIA           ADELAIDE:      61-8-8121-4842           1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA           BRISBANE:      61-7-3102-0944           1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA           CANBERRA:      61-2-6100-1944           1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA           MELBOURNE:     61-3-9010-7713           1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA           PERTH:         61-8-9467-5223           1-800-657-260
AUSTRALIA           SYDNEY:        61-2-8205-8129           1-800-657-260
AUSTRIA                            43-1-92-81-113           0800-005-259
BELGIUM                            32-2-400-9861            0800-3-8795
BRAZIL                                                      0800-7610651
CHILE                                                       1230-020-2863
CHINA*                             86-400-810-4789          10800-712-1670
COLOMBIA                                                    01800-9-156474
CZECH REPUBLIC                     420-2-25-98-56-64        800-700-177
DENMARK                            45-7014-0284             8088-8324
ESTONIA                                                     800-011-1093
FINLAND             Land Line:     106-33-203               0-800-9-14610
FINLAND             Mobile:        09-106-33-203            0-800-9-14610
FRANCE              LYON:          33-4-26-69-12-85         080-511-1496
FRANCE              MARSEILLE:     33-4-86-06-00-85         080-511-1496
FRANCE              PARIS:         33-1-70-70-60-72         080-511-1496
GERMANY                            49-69-2222-20362         0800-664-4247
GREECE                             30-80-1-100-0687         00800-12-7312
HONG KONG                          852-3001-3863            800-962-856
HUNGARY                                                     06-800-12755
INDIA 000-800-852-1268 INDONESIA 001-803-011-3982
IRELAND                            353-1-246-7646           1800-992-368
ISRAEL                                                      1-80-9216162
ITALY                              39-02-3600-6007          800-986-383
JAPAN               OSAKA:         81-6-7739-4799           0066-33-132439
JAPAN               TOKYO:         81-3-5539-5191           0066-33-132439
LATVIA                                                      8000-3185
LUXEMBOURG                         352-27-000-1364
MALAYSIA                                                    1-800-81-3065
MEXICO 001-866-376-9696
NETHERLANDS                        31-20-718-8588           0800-023-4378
NEW ZEALAND                        64-9-970-4771            0800-447-722
NORWAY                             47-21-590-062            800-15157
PANAMA 011-001-800-5072065
PERU                                                        0800-53713
PHILIPPINES                        63-2-858-3716
POLAND                                                      00-800-1212572
PORTUGAL                                                    8008-14052
RUSSIA 8-10-8002-0144011
SINGAPORE                          65-6883-9230             800-120-4663
SLOVAK REPUBLIC                    421-2-322-422-25
SOUTH AFRICA                                                080-09-80414
SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1083 00798-14800-7352
SPAIN                              34-91-414-25-33          800-300-053
SWEDEN                             46-8-566-19-348          0200-884-622
SWITZERLAND                        41-44-580-6398           0800-120-032
TAIWAN                             886-2-2795-7379          00801-137-797
THAILAND 001-800-1206-66056
UNITED KINGDOM      BIRMINGHAM:    44-121-210-9025          0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM      GLASGOW:       44-141-202-3225          0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM      LEEDS:         44-113-301-2125          0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM      LONDON:        44-20-7108-6370          0808-238-6029
UNITED KINGDOM      MANCHESTER:    44-161-601-1425          0808-238-6029
URUGUAY 000-413-598-3421
USA                                1-517-345-9004           866-692-5726
VENEZUELA 0800-1-00-3702
*Access to your conference call will be either of the numbers listed, 
dependent on the participants' local telecom provider.
Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers 
using a mobile telephone.

Thank you.
Kind regards,

Dr. Dennis Jennings, Managing Director, Knous Limited


www.knous.ie <http://www.knous.ie/>

_Dennis.Jennings@knous.ie_ <mailto:Dennis.Jennings@xxxxxxxxx>


Registered in Ireland No. 477218

Mobile: +353 87 220 8225


VAT No.IE 9726842D

Home Office: +353 1 269 5475** Please note new number



Skype: DennisJennings


D.M. Jennings (Managing), D. Fitzmaurice


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