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RE: [jig] ICANN News Alert -- IDN Variant Issues Project: Draft Integrated Issues Report
- To: <Dennis.Jennings@xxxxxxxx>, "'JIG'" <jig@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [jig] ICANN News Alert -- IDN Variant Issues Project: Draft Integrated Issues Report
- From: "Edmon Chung" <edmon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 10:09:21 +0800
Thanks Dennis,
Our next scheduled call will be on the coming Tuesday (Jan 10, 1300UTC).
We should add this to the agenda, please join us if your time permits.
From: owner-jig@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-jig@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dennis
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 12:13 AM
Subject: [jig] ICANN News Alert -- IDN Variant Issues Project: Draft Integrated
Issues Report
Dear JIG Colleagues,
I hope everyone had a good holiday and I wish you all a wonderful new year.
Below is the announcement of the Public Comment Period on the IDN Variant
Issues Project Draft Integrated Issues Report.
I hope that you will have time to review and comment on the report.
Many thanks
From: ICANN News Alert <communications@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 15:52:18 -0800
To: Naela Sarras <naela.sarras@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: ICANN News Alert -- IDN Variant Issues Project: Draft Integrated
Issues Report
<http://www.icann.org/> Image removed by sender. ICANN
News Alert
IDN Variant Issues Project: Draft Integrated Issues Report
23 December 2011
IDN Variant Issues Project: Draft Integrated Issues Report
Comment Period Deadlines (*)
Important Information Links
Public Comment Box
Open Date:
23 December 2011
To Submit Your Comments (Forum) <mailto:idn-vip-integrated-issues@xxxxxxxxx>
Close Date:
30 January 2012
Time (UTC):
View Comments Submitted
Section I: Description, Explanation, and Purpose
On 20 April 2011, ICANN announced the IDN Variant Issues Project
<http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-20apr11-en.htm> to explore
the benefits and risks associated with the potential inclusion of IDN variant
TLDs in the DNS root zone. This project was initiated in response to a 2010
ICANN Board of Directors resolution
<http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25sep10-en.htm#2.5> .
ICANN is publishing today for public comment
the draft Integrated Issues Report
, a study of the issues that this project has identified in relation to the
management of IDN variant TLDs. It represents the result of the completion of
the second phase of the project.
The first phase involved the formation of six case study teams for the Arabic,
Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Greek and Latin scripts. These teams were
comprised of community experts with support by ICANN and worked on identifying
issues related to IDN variant TLDs for each particular script, resulting in the
publication in October of six individual reports
detailing their findings.
The second phase focused on integrating those six case study reports into the
Integrated Issues Report. To complete this phase, ICANN formed a coordination
team <http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-4-03oct11-en.htm>
comprised of experts from each of the case study teams. The coordination team
advised ICANN in completing the Integrated Issues Report, which summarizes and
categorizes the various issues related to the identification and management of
IDN variant TLDs.
ICANN is now seeking community input on the issues discussed in this draft
report. The report will be updated to reflect community feedback and the final
Integrated Issues Report will be presented to the ICANN Board of Directors
during their meeting at the ICANN public meeting in Costa Rica in March 2012.
Following publication of the final Integrated Issues Report, ICANN will
facilitate work toward determining the conditions under which certain types of
variant TLDs could be implemented. Future work may also involve developing
tools, processes, and protocols to support specific solutions, in cooperation
with the appropriate experts. For the purpose of arriving at a determination
on whether variant TLDs can be delegated, it is expected that the required work
can be completed in calendar year 2012.
Section II: Background
On 25 September 2010 the Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) directed the CEO "to develop an issues
report identifying what needs to be done with the evaluation, possible
delegation, allocation and operation of gTLDs containing variant characters
IDNs as part of the new gTLD process in order to facilitate the development of
workable approaches to the deployment of gTLDs containing variant characters
IDNs." (http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25sep10-en.htm#2.5)
In response, ICANN conducted six case studies of individual scripts to
investigate any issues associated with delegating and using IDN variant TLDs
that need to be resolved to facilitate a good user experience.
The next phase focused on integrating those six case study reports into the
draft Integrated Issues Report, which is being posted here for public comment.
Section III: Document and Resource Links
Documents posted for comment
* The IDN Variant Issues Project: A Study of Issues Related to the
Management of IDN Variant TLDs
Additional Resources
* The original Variant Issues Project proposal
20 April 2011.
Section IV: Additional Information
Staff Contact:
Kurt Pritz
(*) Comments submitted after the posted Close Date/Time are not guaranteed to
be considered in any final summary, analysis, reporting, or decision-making
that takes place once this period lapses.
Dr. Dennis Jennings, Managing Director, Knous Limited
<http://www.knous.ie/> www.knous.ie
<mailto:Dennis.Jennings@xxxxxxxxx> Dennis.Jennings@xxxxxxxx
Registered in Ireland No. 477218
Mobile: +353 87 220 8225
VAT No. IE 9726842D
Home Office: +353 1 269 5475 ** Please note new number
Skype: DennisJennings
D.M. Jennings (Managing), D. Fitzmaurice

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