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Employ Media sTLD Charter Amendment
- To: "'jobs-phased-allocation@xxxxxxxxx'" <jobs-phased-allocation@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Employ Media sTLD Charter Amendment
- From: "OWENS, CARLA" <cowens@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 13:17:12 -0400
Dear Chairman Dengate Thrush and Members of the Board:
I strongly suggest that you stop the proposed expansion of the .jobs top
level domain (TLD) by EmployMedia. Here's why:
- It lessens the value of the .jobs TLD for companies that have already
purchased a .jobs extension. Based on its own charter, EmployMedia never
told these companies it would do what it currently proposes. The creation of
50,000 or 100,000 new sites will dilute the TLD.
- it has the potential of setting up a monopoly - with monopoly-like price
gouging by EmployMedia
- it would hurt the employment site industry - a $4 billion dollar industry
that has been effective at lowering the hiring costs for companies worldwide
- it offers no positive outcomes for employers - only negative ones.
Thanks for allowing me to voice my concerns. I hope it makes a difference!
Carla D. Owens ~ Associate Director
Career Services Center ~ Kent State University
http://career.kent.edu ~ (330) 672-8365
P Please consider the environment before printing this email
"The real art of living consists of keeping alive the conscience and sense of
values we had when we were young" ~Rockwell Kent~

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