Letter to Mr. Peter Dengate Thrush attached.
A letter in opposition to Employ Media's request to change sTLD Charter is attached. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Michael O. Ranney, MPA Executive Director Ohio Psychological Association 395 East Broad Street #310 Columbus OH 43215 614-224-0034 614-204-5756 (cell) 614-224-2059 (fax) E-mail: mranney@xxxxxxxxxxx Facebook: www.facebook.com/ohiopsychologicalassociation Twitter: www.twitter.com/ohpsychassn Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=791777&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr Need hours before the end of the biennium? Check out all of OPA's CE opportunities at http://www.ohpsych.org/ce.aspx SAVE THE DATE! OPA's 2010 Convention is Nov. 10-12, 2010, Crowne Plaza North, Columbus Attachment: