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RE: Employ Media sTLD Charter Amendment
- To: <jobs-phased-allocation@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: Employ Media sTLD Charter Amendment
- From: "Thomas Mitchell" <thomas@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 16:38:17 -0500
Dear Chairman Dengate Thrush and Members of the Board:
I am an unabashed capitalist. I believe that capitalism is the purest form
of industry in the world, and in serving ourselves, we serve the rest of the
world. Profit is our reward for taking care of our clients. Were the .jobs
domain names sold in an open market like all other .com/.net/.edu platforms,
I would have no problem with SHRM controlling the .jobs domain. However,
colluding with a for profit to create backroom deals and refuse to give
equal access to all is against capitalism, against industry, and threatens
to inflict undue harm on businesses across the world in a senseless,
needless manner. I hope that you take a long, sincere look at these
bedfellows, and reconsider giving SHRM and Employ Media permission to
continue as planned. Thank you for your time and I sincerely hope you
choose to help make the world a better place, and not choose only to make
Employ Media a better place to work.
Thomas Mitchell, CPC
o: 888.812.3452 x714
c: 903.240.7425
f: 866.322.5590
e: thomas@xxxxxxxx
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