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Opposition to Employ Media Request to Change sTLD Charter
- To: <jobs-phased-allocation@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Opposition to Employ Media Request to Change sTLD Charter
- From: "Jana Black" <jana@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 10:43:39 -0500
July 15, 2010
Peter Dengate Thrush, Chairman
Members of the Board of Directors
International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601
RE: Opposition to Employ Media Request to Change sTLD Charter
Dear Chairman Dengate Thrush and Members of the Board:
Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association is a not-for-profit membership
organization representing more than 1,000 veterinarians in the state of
One of the benefits that associations provide for members is a place for people
within the profession to search for new jobs within their area of expertise.
These niche internet job boards are a valuable member benefit to individuals
and companies, as well as a source of non-dues revenue. But currently, the
for-profit company Employ Media is attempting to monopolize the internet job
market, which could cost associations like ours millions of dollars in lost
revenue. No less important, it will grievously harm our community by confusing
the job seekers and employers who have been our loyal online career center
users. Our association depends on non-due revenue to sustain our business.
I am writing on behalf of the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA) to
urge you to reject Employ Media's request for authority to permit second level
registration of strings that do not correspond to an employer's name in the
.jobs sponsored top level domain. The OVMA -Veterinary Career Network, which
would be directly and adversely affected, opposes the unilateral expansion of
the .jobs charter to encompass regional and industry-specific second-level
Thank you for your consideration.
Jana Black
OVMA Executive Director

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