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CDNC statement on the Second Draft of Procedure to Develop and Maintain LGR in the Root

  • To: <lgr-procedure-07dec12@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: CDNC statement on the Second Draft of Procedure to Develop and Maintain LGR in the Root
  • From: Hongbin 朱鸿斌 <zhuhongbin@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 15:18:12 +0800

Dear All,


Chinese Domain Name Consortium (CDNC), on behalf of the Chinese language
community, respects the continuous efforts made by the IDN Variant Issues
Project Coordination Team (VIP Team) to sort out the LGR development and
maintenance procedure. Based on our community consultation, hereby we would
like to submit a consensus-based statement as our response to the draft. 


Please find attached CDNC statement on the Second Draft of Procedure to
Develop and Maintain LGR in the Root. Thank you.


Best Regards


The Chinese Domain Name Consortium




Attachment: CDNC Statement on IDN LGR Development Procedure.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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