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Scatter the Registry to real providers do not centralize them again

  • To: <net-rfp-general@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Scatter the Registry to real providers do not centralize them again
  • From: <hostmaster@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 14:44:49 +0200

I find it a bad idea to give verisign again the dotnet authority. If you
centralize the whole domain administration to one point, then you give
verisign again a lot of power and influence.

An administration through verisign is a bad decision for the community of
the InterNet user. Better would be to scatter the power of toplevels to a
real comunity out in the network. But I am worry, that your descision is
only valid for US applicants and the states will not realy accept the rest
of the world as real service providers or a real part of the internet
community. The people in the states still think that US is the only market
place in the world and does not see, that asia have alreay more power than
the whole us.

So, what will happen is the states will not give away any administration out
of they're country. They worry that other people could make it better. Under
this aspect it is absolutly clear that the Telcordia report is a faked
report where the reality should be hidden to the eyes of desciding people.

Please descide for the community and not for the NSA or a political

Daniel Neuweiler

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