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Comments on ICANN New gTLDs Communication Plan...
- To: <new-gtlds-comms-plan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comments on ICANN New gTLDs Communication Plan...
- From: "Barbara Koster" <barbara-koster@xxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 10:45:50 -0500
You're looking for a simple, direct and compelling way to gain interest and
attention in your campaign to inform about the new expansions on the
Internet. Further, you want a global, 'human' approach...a generic hook...
that tells what the next big thing is on the Internet...what the Internet
has to offer 4U. So, quite simply, I would like to offer the use of .4U.com
in your campaign. For example, New-gTLDs.4U.com, Domains.4U.com,
Internet-Innovations.4U.com, new-domains.4U.com, Internet-expansions.4U.com,
ICANN-applications.4U.com, TLD-launch.4U.com, ICANN-facts.4U.com,
podcasts.4U.com, social-media.4U.com...the possibilities are limitless...the
avenues to the information, countless. Therefore, we would like to talk
further about how we may assist in the gTLD campaign with 4U.
With thanks for your consideration,
Barbara Koster
214.543.0775 cell
bkoster4u Skype
Business Development Executive
4U Systems, Inc.
www.4u.com <http://www.4u.com/>
ThinkTank Entertainment, Inc.
www.thinktankentertainment.com <http://www.thinktankentertainment.com/>
www.battlerunmovie.com <http://www.battlerunmovie.com/>
BR_Logo_With_Light_Beams 6 Inch (2)TTE logo Side Letters small (2)
www.lucasandlazaria.vpweb.com <http://www.lucasandlazaria.vpweb.com/>

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