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[npoc-voice] Progress Report on new gTLD issues raised in Prague

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Progress Report on new gTLD issues raised in Prague
  • From: Eduardo Monge <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 14:45:43 -0600

Dear NPOC Colleagues,

See attached the Progress Report on new gTLD issues raised in Prague during 
ICANN44 as prepared by the New gTLD Committee of the ICANN Board (From 

Regarding our recent discussion on IOC and Red Cross protections, see page 5 
and the appendix of said document:
“7. The Board instructed ICANN staff members to review and report back on all 
inputs that have been provided on this issue, including:

a. Previous public comment period
b. Community inputs in Prague
c. Additional inputs from IOC and Red Cross
d. Status of GNSO work, following Board decision
e. GAC inputs (if any).

All recent inputs have been reviewed. The compilation of that material - each 
of the five types of input - is attached as an appendix.

Review of this material indicates that the appropriate course is for the Board 
to leave these issues in the hands of ICANN’s policy-‐making bodies. This was 
the recommendation of the Board in its Singapore resolution when considering 
protections for the IOC and Red Cross. ICANN staff members are supporting that 
discussion in the GNSO. The IOC and Red Cross are addressing their comments to 
the GNSO. The GNSO is properly considering whether to do additional work on 
these issues. ”


Eduardo Monge
NPOC Communications Committee Chair

Attachment: report-03aug12-en.pdf
Description: report-03aug12-en.pdf

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